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Chapter 12: Back to Home (1)

[...Good. Now let's go, it's unwise to spend any more time here…]

Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, watched the end of the video of the super-fight yesterday.

He didn't like it at all.

Mutants have largely been in hiding before the 2000s, but lately with the emergence of other “Supers”, they were also revealing themselves to the public. One of the faces of mutants was Magneto, and for him to get defeated that way – by an unknown, amateur Superhero no less – certainly, New York wasn't going to be peaceful with all the people coming after this so-called “Enrique Nova”.

Fury said "so-called" because, as it turned out, there was zero information on him. His past, his background, his family – or anything for that matter was not there. This guy shouldn't exist. Likewise, he didn't exist until a week ago when he was first spotted.

Also, he was the owner of a mobile game company.

“Motherfucker.” Fury groaned in frustration.

First a man in an iron armour.

Then the living legend out of the ice.

Then a fucking God of Thunder.

Now this?

The previous three had information in their background. Heck- even Thor did. But this guy had nothing. Perhaps was he a Skrull? No, that wouldn't make sense as Skurlls don't make new identities; they use pre-existing ones. Perhaps… another alien race? The universe was vast, so that wouldn't be too weird. But still. He could smell something fishy here.

From the side, Agent Maria Hill released a defeated sigh as she stopped breezing through papers related to Enrique. Quickly composing herself, she suggested something. “Perhaps he is a government experiment?” she immediately realised how dumb that question was.

We are the government, Hill." Fury let his assistant know. "We are the first who'll know about these experiments.”

Agent Hill’s back straightened in embarrassment and she quickly looked for another question to change the topic. “Do you think he's dangerous, sir?”

“Can't say.” Fury shook his head. “He made sure to keep the civilians out of harm, he also seemingly ‘saved’ the little mutant girl. That's all good, but unlike Spider-Man, he didn't mind doing permanent damage to his enemies. Just look at the hole in Magneto’s hand. Ten bucks say he's an anti-hero.”

Hill took in his words and nodded slowly. Impressive. Guess the title of best spy wasn't just for show.

After a short silence, Fury spoke again. “What is his Superhero name? We at least know that much, right?”

Hill nodded quickly. “Spider-Man was heard calling him ‘Abaddon’, sir.”

Fury hummed, looking at the screen in front of him where comments were flashing under the live report of J. Jonah Jameson. “Well, looks to me that the name’s a goner now.”

Interested, Hill leaned over to look at the screen and blinked at the name people were calling him. “Super Nova?”

Fury liked this one more, anyway.

In any case, he should observe the man for a while more before approaching him at all.


By the time Enrique reached his city, Brooklyn, he was already famous. Turned out that not hiding his face made it easier for people to find his identity, even if he had no social media.

His house was surrounded by a small crowd. Annoying. He couldn't live in this place anymore.

Both Anna and Spider-Man looked at the scene from the sky. Spider-Man hesitated briefly before opening his mouth.

“Uh, if you want, you can crash into my place for today…?” Spider-Man said, half suggesting and half questioning himself.

“Are you sure?” Enrique asked in his new gruff voice. But he quickly shook his head. “A beast and a girl who is a temporary laser factory. No, I am not taking on that offer.” he rejected. He liked Peter and was even planning to invite him to his Super team in the future, it would be a bummer to make things weird by accidentally killing his aunt or something. “I will visit you someday. You should leave for now, it's getting late."

Spidey didn't protest and shortly took off, leaving Enrique alone in the sky with Anna hanging from his neck.

Now that Peter was gone, Anna got a bit more comfortable with the hug, and Enrique did too.

She looked up at his face, and smiled “So what now?” she asked. "Do we spend the night above the clouds?"

“Let's see,” he ignored her suggestion, raising a finger in the air, and shot a beam of lightning on the ground. It fell right in front of the crowd and they scattered in fear immediately. “There. That was easy.”

Anna giggled as she watched the exchange unfold. “Sometimes you feel like a villain.”

“I might be, you never know,” Enrique replied as he started to fly downwards, trying to hide himself from prying eyes.

“Hmmm…” Anna took his words surprisingly seriously before hugging him tighter. “Doesn’t matter. I prayed for you to come, and you did – even after my phone failed to work. I don't know, nor care about others, but to me you'll always be a superhero. My superhero.”

Aww, that was sweet.

Enrique would have been touched if he hadn't planned for this himself. The girl was back to where she belonged. Though there were some deviations, now the girl had returned to where she was supposed to be.

Enrique led Anna through the window of his room and the girl let out a gasp of surprise.

"Oh, there are much more things than a week ago!" she said as she looked around the room filled with so many new things.

Enrique was forced to ignore her remark since his Goddess spoke in his mind at the same time.

["On a side note, if you noticed – she said she prayed for you to come. She wasn't lying. I can sense faith from her, but since she prayed to you, rather than me or any God for that matter, the faith is directed towards you.”] Mut said. [”However, as my prophet, my Pharoah, any faith and believers you gather is technically mine. Ours, to be precise. So sometimes even if people don't believe – or have faith in this little me, just having faith towards you works as well. Mhm, the faith of a Super is delicious.”]

Generally, there were three ways a God could gain faith points.

1. If a person prays to that particular God. (He is considered a ‘Believer’, a Devoted one. A deity earns the most faith from its Devoted Believers, and receives their faith every day.)

2. If a person simply believes that that particular God exists, but doesn't pray daily. (He is considered a ‘Believer’ too, but a Normal one. This was the type of believer Enrique was supposed to gather.)

3. If a person prays to ‘God’ without any actual targeted God in mind. (He isn't considered a believer, but he can give faith points to certain Gods depending on situations. For example, if Anna had prayed to an empty figure of 'God' to have Enrique save her, her faith points would have gone to Mut since she was Enrique's God. A variation of this rule is how Enrique’s game gathers faith points, too.)

["Anna Marie here truly believes in you as her 'Saviour'. It's not the same as believing in a God, but it works. Many famous Heroes from old times do become Gods if they meet the requirements. Anna's faith isn't a one time thing, she legitimately believes in you like that of a proper believer."]

There were a few other unconventional ways to gain believers too – with this case of Enrique being one of them. If a person prays to a God’s Avatar – that person is considered a Believer of that God as well. That's the case with Anna here.

That was good. But…

“Anna, stay here for a minute,” Enrique said, gesturing to Anna to sit down on the bed before he walked out of the room, closed the door, and walked in front of the mirror.

It was good and all that he was now more powerful and Anna was a believer but there was something more pressing. He was a Mutant now and he was about to die.

Standing in front of the mirror he called back his suit and observed his naked form. Pale white skin, accompanied by dancing black stripes. Sharp fangs inside his mouth, and a very sensitive nose. Black bone spikes were coming out of both his elbow and two large black claws were coming out above his hands. His hands themselves had claws in his fingers, and though they were smaller they were sharp as well.

A White Tiger. Though he lacked a tail or ears, that's pretty much what he was now.

Also, he seemed to be 7”3 now. A whole foot taller than before, also broader. Not as huge as hulk, but was still very big. Luckily his suit was magical and changed shape accordingly.

Overall… it was a good look, he felt strong as hell. Just that… He probably wouldn't survive long enough to enjoy this.

The person Magneto used that machine on in the movies lasted for, what, two days? Yes, around that before he died. Storm was the person who saw the man die with her own two eyes.

Shit. Enrique needed a plan. After a moment's thinking, he came up with one.

“Hey Goddess,” Enrique sighed. “Sorry but it looks like you will have to look for a new Avatar.”

There was silence at first before his Goddess’ worried voice came crashing into his head. ["What? Why? No, no, you are a smart human so you know that's impossible with our contract in place, so unless you are about to die then- wait, wait, are you about to die?”]

She caught on fast. Enrique sighed and nodded sadly. He was acting. To make her come up with a way to save him. She was a Goddess after all, she probably had some way. He explained the problem- how he knew about a machine like this from his timeline and that he might die soon, and she went silent.

After a minute, she spoke slowly.

["About that,"] his Goddess started. ["I did a magical scan right now and you appear perfectly fine. I did quite a few scans, so it would be weird if I missed anything big that'd kill you. I theorise that - that Mutant girl's own 'Power Absorption' had affected the beam somehow, which in turn was affected by the hunger of your 'Void Powers', making the beam sustainable enough for you to properly absorb it. I doubt you'd die or this power would be randomly gone. Lucky, very lucky. But anyway, congratulations, you are a Mutant now."]


Well, that was a theory that didn't sound too absurd in this comic-book-based world. But if her theory was true – he did get lucky this time. Very much so. Because not only would he not die, but he also received a pretty big power boost.

Now he just had to figure out a way to re-transform. This transformation wasn't the worst one possible – as he was still in control of the body and didn't even become a furry – but he would still like it if there was an on-off switch for this. Though if he couldn't return back, he wouldn't waste time on this topic. This wasn't that bad.

He closed his eyes and started to calm his breathing. Meditation should help. It even helped the hulk. While standing, he went into a meditating state and stayed like that for an unknown time but his body didn't change.

It wasn't working.


Why wasn't it working?


He snapped back to his senses at the sound of Anna's heat vision and the scent of burning metal. Turning back, he found her room's door handle melting from the other side.

"Fuuuh…" Enrique sighed and called back his suit – in the form of a t-shirt and pants. The beam soon stopped and the door opened. "You could have just called me, Anna."

"I did." she said. "You… weren't answering. I got worried since it's been twenty minutes."

"Oh," Enrique blinked. He was too immersed. "Sorry, I was meditating."

Anna looked at his hands, at his claws, and lowered her head. "I should be the one apologising… it's all my fault you became this way."

"That's not true."

"You don't have to say that to make me feel better… I know what I did… you are just too kind to be angry at me!" She looked up at him with sad eyes. "I… I am sorr-"

"Okay, this is getting annoying, shut up. Just pay me back later if you really feel responsible, stop saying sorry again and again." Enrique rubbed his temple. "Also, look, your hair is white now. You look like an old woman, so you suffered too, right? Don't sweat over this."

Anna blinked and looked at her image in the mirror. Her sad face became surprised as she looked at her hair. So she hadn't noticed it until now…


"It looks good, honestly. Rather exotic. I like exotic girls." Enrique grabbed a hair comb and walked over to her. He leaned over and combed her hair gently, watching her emerald eyes stare at him while he made sure his huge 11-inch claws didn't accidentally cut her. "There. You look beautiful."

[Image Here] (without the costume)

She looked gorgeous.

Props to her comic-book body and face, Anna with her hourglass figure and cute face looked better than the models from Enrique's previous world. It sounded cliche, but it was the truth.

"Mm…" Anna looked at the mirror and looked away with a small blush. "Thanks."

Enrique smiled and patted her shoulder. "Alright. I have a room prepared for you. It's getting late, you should sleep."

"It's only 9."

"And you should sleep."

Anna narrowed her eyes at him. "I am not a little girl, you know?"

"Right." He pointed his finger at a room to the side. "That's your room. Go, sleep."

"..." She looked in the direction, a paper saying "Anna" hanging on the door made her narrow her eyes.

'Did he know I will come back? But how?' Anna's mind raced but she reached no conclusion. '…Oh well.' She shrugged in her mind and just hugged him.

"Fine, I will go. But… you have to… come with me," she demanded slowly. "To my room."

Enrique raised an eyebrow. "Girl, you aren't legal enough for me to touch."

"I-I didn't mean it that way!" she snapped at him with a flustered face. "You know, just- I will feel scared if I sleep alone tonight. Just accompany me for tonight… okay?"

In the end, Enrique agreed with a sigh… though, he doubted it would be a one-night thing.


The next day, when Enrique woke up, to his surprise – he was back to normal again.

Geez, that gave him a scare.





Ahmed Ayub

Man I am conflicted, I thought I would like cursed gamer more, but now I enjoy the marvel one more


Hmm does he have the same void-born powers as neji or just very similiar? Can he train and develope his mutation or is it a singular increase to his base power + transformation?


First- it’s not the same, just on the same branch. Void powers are really diverse, he just has a few of them while Neji will have all that there is to it by the time he maxes out his Class. Second- yes, he can train and develop his tiger form.