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Chapter 10: Brotherhood of Mutants (1)

Master of Magnetism, Magneto, wasn't very happy with the recent development. The appearance and sudden acceptance of "Superheroes" who weren't mutants – such as Ironman, Spiderman, and the Fantastic Four – had been irritating him for a while.

Some might argue that these people were making the image of "Super-humans" more acceptable in the public's minds – which should be better for the Mutants as well – that point would be invalid since the public's hate for mutants was rather increasing.

Because, unlike these so-called superheroes, Mutants saw themselves as different and superior to humans (like they should) and therefore behaved accordingly. Though Magneto supported that sentiment of his mutant brothers, that caused the image of mutants to grow worse because other Superhumans, who weren't mutants, worked for the betterment of humanity while they did the opposite.

That's why the government planned to hold a meeting to decide on mutants' fate.

The "World Summit Meeting", as they called it, is supposed to be held on Ellis Island tomorrow evening.

Magneto found that outrageous.

How dare mere Homo Sapiens even think of deciding the fate of Mutant Kind? Yes, that problem would be solved easily if the people at that government meeting were also mutants, wouldn't it?

Fortunately, Magneto happened to have just the weapon to accomplish that.

It was a machine, a piece of tech, currently positioned on top of the crown of the Statue Of Liberty, which was close to Ellis Island. When activated, that machine will release an omnidirectional wave of electromagnetic wavelength that'd turn any normal human touched by it - into mutants. Meaning, that every world leader in the "World Summit Meeting" could be made into mutants.

Magneto wanted to see what type of decision they would take then.

On top of that, there was a mini version of that Mutant Conversion Machine, made into the shape of a hand watch that Magneto wore on his left wrist. This was an emergency measure against any of the non-mutant "Superheroes" that might come to stop him. This small machine, when activated, would release a pristine beam of that same EM wavelength that could turn any potential target into Mutant, giving them X-gene.

With this the whole world will be on the palms of mutants soon.

The problem was that only Magneto could activate either of these machines because of his magnetic powers. The problem with that was that – using the bigger machine took a toll on Magneto's lifeforms, more so when using the smaller one – given the beam required to be more controlled and precise. Being an old man, that wasn't a good thing for Erik Lensherr. He didn't fear death but he also didn't wish to die before he could make the mutant kind prominent. So he needed a substitute, and he found that substitute in the form of Anna Marie, a recently awakened mutant who can absorb other mutants' powers.

Using her – though it would kill her – the machine on top of the Statue Of Liberty can be activated, releasing an omnidirectional wave that'd turn all the world leaders in Ellis Island into mutants. Then, being mutants themselves, it's only natural what jurisdiction they will bring upon the mutant kind.

Erik's plan was full proof and he had backup plans for anyone who'd try to stop him.

Now, he just had to go and fetch that little girl.


[All passengers are requested to get on the train.]

[Repeat. All passengers are requested to get on the train.]

Magneto smirked softly as he stepped inside the train, followed by the top executives of his Brotherhood of Mutants – Sabretooth, Toad, and the Blob – who stepped into a chamber of their own.

And Anna Marie was just inside, unaware as her reapers approached.



"Hey, hey, stop already!" Spiderman pulled Abbadon's arm back, watching the shiny and white superhero stop punching the poor robber and letting him fall to the ground, unconscious. "That's too brutal."

"Right. Sorry, I was practising my boxing skills." Abbadon shrugged. "Yeah, probably not a good excuse."

Spidey sighed.

The victim who was attacked by the robber had already escaped by then and Spiderman felt bad. That person probably was traumatised.

"Sorry," Abbadon apologised again. But since he was wearing his cool mask, Spidey couldn't see his expression. "It must be annoying to work with another, more violent hero. But my current situation requires me to be around another superhero, so I am sticking close to you."

Spidey got worried. "No, no, I don't mind you being around. It helps quicken the job. Just… a bit too violent. Anyway, what do you mean? Don't tell me you have an arch nemesis after you and you need my help?!" Spidey was hyped. So cool! "Is that it?"

"No," Enrique replied, his mask going invisible to reveal his blank expression. "I deduce a friend of mine is in trouble and will probably call me any day. I am not sure if I alone will be able to take care of the  'things' she needs my help with, so I am sticking around to call you in."

"...Can you see the future too?" Spiderman asked, mystified. "Or is it your Goddess?"

"I am just speculating, kid." Enrique shrugged. "I can't see the future. It may turn out that I never get the call-"

*Ring Ring Ring*

Enrique's phone rang.

"Right..." Spidey narrowed his eyes in suspicion.


Anna "Rogue" Marie had decided to hop on a train to leave for Canada. She had no plans after that. She just… wanted to leave this place.

Sitting on the train, she clutched her phone while Enrique's face flashed on her head. Maybe calling him would have been the better choice? Maybe. But her fear was that he would mock and point at her selfish side. He might not even listen to her request.

Anna was just thinking that when the shadow of a tall man fell over her, and though she didn't turn to look who it was at first, his catchy voice introduced himself on its own.

"Got a minute kid?" said the man, and turning to him Anna found Prof. Logan. "It's gonna be a long journey otherwise."

Logan was here… how did he find her? Anna sighed but couldn't actually say no since she did hurt him last night and felt very guilty about it. So she nodded and let him sit beside her.

They talked for a while, and Logan was surprisingly more understanding than she expected. Though he did ask her to think over this decision, telling her that Professor Xaviers genuinely wanted to help her, he didn't push the topic too much after she firmly rejected the idea. Honestly, Anna didn't like that old man very much. His first impression wasn't the best, and really he was a massive jerk for reading people's minds without their permission. Though there were good people in that school as well, like Logan and Storm for instance, wasn't they the reason why she decided to leave? In the first place, she's leaving to not hurt those people around her.

Logan sighed after their conversation came to an end. "Alright. Ya got some cash on yerself or what? It's not really smart for a little girl to move countries empty-handed."

Yeah, she liked Logan. He was a good guy. She gave him a polite smile and shook his head. "I have some cash, and besides, I can always sell my pho-" she stopped midway. "No. Sorry. Can you give me some change?"

He looked at her curiously for a moment before shrugging. "Did someone important give ya that? Then again, I am not interested in love stories." Anna wanted to correct him, that this wasn't a love story, but before she could he took out his money bag and handed her over $300. "Sorry, lost most of my money when I fell on a river."

She gave a polite nod. This embarrassed her. She wasn't particularly rich before, but her family was decently well off. Accepting money from strangers was news to her…


Before she could accept the money, the door that connected this chamber with another snapped as a man in a super suit, wearing a crimson helmet stepped inside, stepped inside while smirking at her.

"There you are, my gem." The man said, uncaring of the frightened crowd.

Logan growled from the side and stood up, taking out his claws that didn't help the frightening crowd any. Ignoring the other passengers, he swiped his claws against each other, making them spark fire while glaring at the clearly villainous man.

"I suggest you get off, bub." Wolverine said, his sharp eyes meeting with the other man's calm and amusing ones.

"So much talk for a man made of metal." the other man said and raised his hand in the air. Wolverine took that as a gesture of attack and ran towards him – moving between the seats – but immediately froze in spot when he approached too close to the man. "You are a bad match for the Master of Magnetism, boy."

Anna winched. 'Master of Magnetism. That was the infamous Mutant criminal Magneto? Shit.'

Wolverine, given his metal skeleton, was no match for this man. Gosh, what should she do?

Magneto spread the fingers of his hand as Logan's body stiffened in the air, his arms rising horizontally and almost grazing the passengers, and his claws spreading away from each other in a visibly hurtful manner.

"Arghhh!" Wolverine growled like a beast whose skin was being peeled off. Anna panicked, she clutched the phone in her hand tighter, as her mind went overclock in an attempt to come up with a way to help Logan.


Her phone.

Without a moment's waste, she called the only number it had.

Immediately, lightning fell on the roof of the train.


[The number you have dialled is currently unreachable.]

"Strange," Spidey said as he heard the robotic voice. "Why would your friend turn her phone off just after she called by herself?"

Enrique probably had an answer to that. He had received Anna's call but it was cut immediately, and even after trying to call her by himself two more times, there was no response from the other side. If Enrique had to guess, it possibly had something to do with Magneto or Storm, both of which had powers to meddle with electromagnetic wavelength.

Yeah, no shit, Anna was in danger.

But he couldn't reach her at the moment, so he had no idea where exactly she was at. Charles' Mutant School was located in Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center (it took a short Google search to figure it out. Funny how that worked, but given that the school was publically a normal one it would be rather suspicious if its location was hidden). That was, from Queens, around 350 Kilometres. However, the train station in that region is around 200 kilometres from here. Given what happened in the movies, and how Rogue tried to take the train and leave, Enrique figured it's better to check there first before going to the School (it didn't hurt since the station was on the way to the school, anyway).

"Spiderman," Enrique looked at Peter. "How about I give you a piggy-bag ride?" It was time to test the speed of his flight.


The Speed of Sound. Or close to it. That's his top flying speed. Though he might not be entirely accurate. In any case, he didn't have to reach the station, because 6 minutes in on his flight, he found the train moving towards his way with one particular chamber where clearly a big fight was happening.

Big, as in - a super-powered fight.

"You holding on well?" He asked Peter who was sticking on his back with his sticky hands. Peter nodded, albeit barely, and Enrique laughed. "I'm going to land."

With a swift motion, he landed on top of the train, right beside a hole that was made by a high-temperature beam - from the looks of it. There was also signs lightning falling on the roof, probably Storm's doing.

He gestured to Spidey to wait before he jumped down. He was more durable, so any surprise attack would better be taken by him than the Spider.

Enrique dropped to the floor of the train, finding the passengers all gathered on one side while the X-Men were engaged in a battle against the Brotherhood of Mutants on the other side. They were too busy to notice Enrique.

Wolverine, (a badly hurt) Cyclops, and (a slightly hurt) Storm were engaging with Sabertooth, the Blob, and Toad – respectively.

That was surprising. The Blob shouldn't be with the Brotherhood at the point in the timeline when Rogue was being recruited. Then again, this timeline wasn't exactly anything he knew for solid.

While these six people fought, Magneto wasn't bothering to meddle and rather made way towards a frightened Anna.

Sabretooth and Wolverine were almost going toe-to-toe, with Wolverine being on the losing side because of his skewd claws.

Cyclops, on the other hand, was the most hurt of the X-men. The Blob wasn't exactly immune to his laser, but he didn't let the laser-boy shoot enough without hurting the civilians. So even though Blob's chest was charred, he was in better shape than Cyclops.

The last was Storm and Toad. Storm was powerful, an Omega-level Mutant, but she wasn't the best at hand-to-hand combat (far from it), so an agile enemy such as Toad wasn't doing her good.

["That girl has grown,"] suddenly his Goddess said in his ears when he looked at Ororo. ["She was so little the last time I saw her."]

Enrique blinked at that.

"You know her?" He whispered to himself, observing Ororo's fight. "Come to think of it, she does look similar to you, somewhat. White hair, dark skin, lightning powers. You are more beautiful though."

On a side note, Mut had golden eyes, while Ororo had blue ones.

Mut deadpanned at his last words. ["Right. And yes, I do know her. Ororo Munroe, she's the descendant of an ancient line of African priestesses. My priestesses. You see, though Egypt was the main region of my religion, I had believers all over the world back in the day. Ororo's ancestors were the direct followers of mine, who I used to talk to in person. I even blessed them with magic from time to time, that's the reason why Ororo even has these powers, to begin with."]

"Oh." Enrique blinked. "You want me to take her back then?"

["I will be happy if you can. She is loyal to her mutant heritage, though. She fails to realise she's only at the level she is at because of my blessing magic, not because of her genes. Anyhow, you should focus on the battle ahead."]

As they finished talking, Magneto had made his way towards Anna who was standing in a corner, shaking and yelling at him to stay away. Magneto didn't stop and rather used his magnetism to tie Anna's hands against each other using a steel pipe.

The battle had ended as far as Magneto was concerned and Enrique could tell that man wouldn't waste any more time here. So he decided to move.

"Spiderman." He called, watching Spidey jump down and thereby making everyone turn to them.

"A-ah!" One of the civilians gasped. "It's Spiderman! We are saved!"

Wow. He didn't receive such a warm welcome. But then again, he wasn't popular so they probably thought he belonged to any of the hostile groups.

"What's up, people?" Spidey waved a hand at the crowd, causing Anna to look in the direction as well as her expression grew worried once she noticed Enrique.

She probably didn't think Enrique and Spiderman alone could hurt this group. Given that, after all, three of the X-men were having a hard time.

But Enrique didn't have the time to listen to any warning shouts she might throw so he rather dragged Spiderman's attention by pointing his hand at Toad.

"Take care of him. Be careful after you are done, avoid the blonde guy and the helmet guy, they are too dangerous for you. But the fat guy is free game." Enrique said and amongst everyone else, the Blob seemed to react the most.

"Did you just…" The Blob turned to him. "Did you just call me fat?!?!" The huge blob yelled, slapping Cyclops on the wall making him lose his consciousness (he was busy giving Enrique a shocked stare, so he didn't see that coming) before running at Enrique.

Enrique smirked. "Right. I will take care of the fatty, you do the toad."

"Hey, that sounds dirty, keep it Pg-13!" Spiderman said but didn't protest. He avoided the running Blob and went to strike the Toad.

Enrique prepared himself as the huge 8 feet meatball plunged at him.





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