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Chapter 5: X-men? (1)

Charles Xavier was led to the chamber of Cerebro by Jean Grey, with Logan a few steps behind them.

"So how old are ya?" Logan asked casually as Jean sighed.

"Asking a lady's age? Real smooth." Jean said sarcastically, sighing. "I am in my 20s."

"Huh? Damn, I could swear ya look a decade younger-" Logan froze. "Nevermind."

Jean held back a giggle while Charles chuckled softly. He had seen Logan's memories when the latter had returned from the future. So he knew what destiny he and Jean shared in another timeline. It seemed Logan's connection with Jean was so strong that he was hitting on her even with lost memories.

This man, Logan, was rescued by Storm and Nightcrawler after they saw him drive his truck to a lake, apparently sleepy. For a man who can heal a severed head, sleepiness really was a weird weakness. In any case, after waking up and almost hurting Jean, Logan was trying to ease things between each other.

Charles, though found it amusing, had something else to focus on at the moment as he was in front of Cerebro’s operating table.

"Step back, Jean." Jean did so, and he placed the headgear of Cerebro on his head.

Immediately, the huge round room buzzed as a hologram of white light spread all over. Thousands of humans formed in the air, made of white light, as the Professor explained.

"These white humans are plain, regular humans." With a command of his mind, the scene changed as the white humans were replaced by red ones. "These, on the other hand, are all mutants. I can also find Mutates with Cerebro, they appear as blue humans, but we are not here for that."

"Yeah, about that." Logan asked. "Why are we here anyway?"

Rather than answering with his voice, Charles closed his eyes and tried to locate a single presence. That girl was probably still in the US, because she only left her home in Mississippi a few hours ago, so he limited his mind to the US.

Seconds passed and the holograms shifted, changing every few seconds before finally stabilising, zooming in on the red form of a teenage girl.

"This is…"

"Anna Marie," Jean replied to Logan's question. "She's a recently awakened mutant who accidentally put her boyfriend into a coma, though I suppose ex-boyfriend is the correct term now." She said, "We contacted her family and they were supposed to let us 'handle her', as they liked to say it. We were to pick her up today, but it seems she fled from her home this morning."

Logan hummed as Charles frowned.

"Anything wrong, professor?" Jean asked, worried.

"...Anna is with someone weird. Erik?" He asked himself. "No, no, even though Erik can evade my radar, this one is slightly different. It's a natural power, unlike Erik's helmet."

"What's he talking about?" Logan asked as Jean gave a short explanation about Erik, aka Magneto, and his helmet. "Aha. So is the girl with someone you can’t sense. Is she in danger?"

"I… I am not sure." Charles had a deep frown. "But considering I can't read him at all, it's better to assume he is a threat. Be ready, we will go meet him tomorrow in the morning and save Anna."

Jean nodded while Logan just sighed.


"First day, and already a hookup? Can I join?" The gatekeeper had said so while Enrique led Anna to his apartment.

Enrique had ignored the idiot's remark, but it did make the little girl a bit uncomfortable.

"You okay?" He asked as he twisted the doorknob of his apartment. "I am a religious man, I promise to not do weird stuff to you. Not without consent, anyway."

He shrugged, opening the door and dramatically gesturing her to enter as she giggled lightly.

"Thanks." She said and stepped inside, a bit more comfortable now, as Enrique followed. As she looked around the apartment, however, Anna was baffled. "And I thought my life was bad…"

Empty. Everywhere she looked, it was empty. There was only a mirror and bed in the master's bedroom.

He sighed. "Sorry, I just moved in here. Heck, I don't even have food other than some dry stuff. Guess I have to go buy some in the early morning."

She flinched. "You don't have to apologise, I was just joking! W-What is money to a powerful man? Sugah."

He smiled and pointed at the bed. "Go take a seat, your legs are shaking since the flight."

She did as asked and sat down on her butt. "Not my fault. It was you, sugah. Maybe warn me next time before we just start flying in the sky? It felt nice though, I had never felt something so thrilling before."

"Glad you like it." Enrique smiled and turned to walk away. "Wait, I will go fetch some snacks."


He went to the kitchen as Anna sighed. She was a bit nervous after seeing him brutally break that man's spine. Although she saw him fight the criminals today, she wasn't close enough to see the fight properly and in the bits she did, it wasn't that brutal of a battle.

But in any case, she at least was sure that this guy wasn’t a bad man. That blonde beast-looking guy did look dangerous, and he did say he was there for Anna herself. She was pretty sure whatever that man wanted from her, it wouldn't have been painless. So his death didn’t make her feel any guilt.

She rather felt bad that the white superhero’s image might be ruined if any security camera caught this skirmish. She would feel terrible if that happened.

Soon, her superhero returned with a Peanut Jar that he handed over to her, before leaning his back against the wall.

"Why don't you sit beside me?" Anna asked as she failed to open the jar. "I am not scared of you, you know."

"Just say you want me to open the jar," the man joked as he walked closer, sitting beside her and grabbing the jar before opening it swiftly. "Here."

"You sure you didn't put anything weird in it?" Anna asked jokingly as well, throwing a few peanuts into her mouth.

"Maybe I did? We’d never know." He asked, watching her frown playfully as he sighed. "Teenagers."

"Hey, drop it already, sugah! You are like what, 21? I will be 18 in 4 more months!" Anna complained, munching on her peanuts.

"I am 31." He replied as she froze, looking at him up and down before scoffing.

"I don't believe you."

Enrique shrugged. "I know I look young, but yes."

"Prove it."

Enrique handed her over his driver's licence, watching her eyes squint on the information before she smirked. "Hah! Look, it says 21! Well technically it doesn't, but since it says birth is 1990, and this is 2011, it means you are 21 years old!"

Enrique frowned and looked at the licences. He hadn't looked much into it, but now that he did, she was right.

"Goddess?" He muttered under his breath.

["I forgot to ask for your age. Don’t blame me. In any case, who doesn’t like being younger? You even look young. Don't worry about it, in the world we live in age is just a number. When you grow as old as me, you'd understand."]

She sounded like such a paedophile. But oh well, she had a point. In a world where aeon old beings roamed, a mere decade was nothing.

"So don't keep calling me 'teenager', okay? Oh, yeah, what's your name? You asked me for mine, but never told me yours. Quite rude for someone pretending to be old." She said, smirking cheekily.

He sighed. "My name is on the driver's licence though.” He shook his head. “Tee-“

“-nagers. I know.” She finished with a giggled, watching him chuckled with her. She then looked at his driver listened again, looking at his name. "Enrique Nova? Kinda cool. How do you pronounce it?"

"En-rikey No-va." He said. "Enough? Now give it back to me."

"Hey, lemme check your other info!" She yanked her hand backwards as he tried to grab it, but Enrique wasn't having it, he reached out for it again, and this time she tried to push him away.

In all the push and pull, Enrique slipped and fell on his back with Anna on top of him, suddenly dazed as her face was dangerously closer to his, her wide emerald eyes looking into his silver ones. "Ah…"

But Enrique wasn't having this either. "What kind of K-drama bullshit is this." He gently pushed her back. "Go to sleep, little girl. I will be in the other room."

"H-hey!" Anna reached out as he walked out of the room. "But there is nothing in the other room…" Was he going to sleep on the floor for her? So much for complaining about K-dramas. "If you are trying to make me fall for you, it's working!" She yelled as he closed the door, making her giggle to herself.

If only she knew… He indeed was trying to make her fall for him.


Yesterday was a long day for Anna. From running away from her home, to finally meet someone who can resist her touch. It all felt like a long dream before she woke up in the morning.

However, her walking up wasn't to her own will.


A voice that didn't belong to her was playing on her mind.

['Anna? I am Professor Charles Xavier. A Telepath. Can you hear me?']

She could hear him. But… what did he want from her? Was he the person who sent that beast-like man to her?

['Beast-like man… Ugh, Erick.'] She heard the voice groan in her head. ['I apologise, but no, that wasn't my doing. I am rather here to protect you, to take you to a safe place where gifted people like you are gathered and taught to control your powers.']

Anna blinked at that. Control her powers…? She could do that?

'T-then wouldn't I be able to touch anyone I want again?' The possibility delighted her.

['Yes, indeed. If you learn to control your powers, you'd be able to live as you used to before.'] The old voice said in her head. ['Now, who is the person that you came to this apartment with? Is he dangerous? Is he inside the house right now?']

"Enrique? No, no, he is not dangerous. He is a very nice person. In fact, he is a supe… ah, I can't tell you about that! Anyway, he saved me yesterday, he is a nice person. Can he come with us?" Anna asked, expectant.

['Unfortunately, no. He can't come with us. I have… read your memories, and figured out he's a Superhero. But he is not a mutant like us, he's different, probably a mutate or a magician.']

So he wasn't a mutant like her… In any case, Anna frowned and rubbed her neck. "Is it okay to read my memories without asking my permission, though? Like, isn't there any law preventing it, sugah?"

She heard a soft chuckle in her mind. ['I apologise, I had to make sure you were not in danger. That man does seem like a good guy. Can you check if he's inside the house? We are waiting outside your building, in a car, ask him if we can come inside.']

Anna supposed the old man had a point. He was doing it for her own good, after all. Though she wondered why couldn't he just directly communicate with Enrique and ask permission to enter.

['I can't sense his mind, unfortunately. He is… special. You'd have to do it yourself.']

Aha. 'So Enrique is immune to his telepathy as well. He's so powerful.'

She jumped from the bed but even before she could look in the other room, she found a paper stuck on the door of her room, with clean English written on it.

–Out, shopping for food. Remember to not run away–

She giggled and said back to the voice, "He is not here, he's out shopping. I won't leave without seeing him, so I think you guys can come inside?"

Actually, should she even leave? Were these people even trustable?

She sighed and stopped these thoughts since the old man was surely listening to her.


Enrique had "earned" a total of $2,560 yesterday. Shopping cost him $260, and although he needed more to shop he only had two hands, so he only took what was necessary.

When he came in front of his apartment door, he frowned. He could hear voices that didn't belong to Anna inside, with the latter also present as well.

Enrique was wearing a white shirt with long, rolled-up sleeves. The shirt was then tucked “under” his pants. It was actually a single piece of cloth, but he made it look like two different pieces. In any case, he was ready for a possible fight.

He twisted the doorknob, opening the door, and went inside, dropping the food in the kitchen and making his way towards the bedroom.

"Anna, you should have told me you were going to invite friends," Enrique said casually as he walked inside the bedroom, feeling three pairs of eyes, apart from Anna's, lock onto himself, as he froze.

"Ah, hello Mr. Nova. Sorry to budge in with no invitation." The Bald-X, Charles Xavier, greeted with a smile. Behind him, Scot Summers and Jean Gray (of all people) stood as they gave Enrique a short nod.

Now only Charles… Why did it have to be that Phoenix bitch too?

Enrique held back a sigh. He didn't like so many mind readers around him.





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