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Chapter 6

The students were at first shocked when Raki defeated Sasuke, but that shock turned into fascination and recognition when her eyes turned red.

The girls were envious, especially the commoner girls. The orphanage kids were jealous, finding all this unfair that they weren't born with such a power. The boys on the other hand had their eyes locked on her, finally finding someone more interesting than the class crush Sakura and Ino.

Raki was cute, the kids just didn't see her on the 'same level' as Sakura and Ino because of her always wearing shabby clothes. But knowing she's one of the last remaining Uchihas, realising how strong she was and how strong she will become, these kids who've been trained to kill realised the best choice amongst these girls.

Boys of this age were shy of girls, and the ones that weren't were frightened of the girls' family status. But Raki has been an orphan for more than a decade, and her clan was no more.

Click. A thought clicked in their minds. Won't their life be settled if they managed to make her fall for them?

However, they were just kids.

"Fuck off. Come an inch closer to me and I will cut your ears and feed them to you." The little girl with black pupils simply showed them a middle finger and turned around.

Even her previous 'friends' couldn't talk to her. Gossip spread soon, that the fish suddenly gained wings and thinks it's a dragon now.

Though some boys did find that attractive.

The only one still beside her was Hinata Hyuga, a girl none of their classmates had a good relationship with either, so they couldn't reach Raki using Hinata as a reference.

"Oye! I finally found you!" A voice came from outside the door as the class clown, Naruto Uzumaki ran inside.

"I wanted to come earlier, but Iruka-sensei called me! Anyway, enough of that!" The boy jumped towards the bench Raki was sitting on, coming face to face with her. "You were really cool, you know?! I didn't think anyone would be able to beat that bastard Sasuke like that, aha! You're awesome!"

Raki didn't like loud people, she despised them. She didn't care if he was the main character of whatever,  she didn't have time for this little shit.

"It seems you didn't hear because you were out with Iruka, but-"

"Urm, um." She was interrupted by Hinata, who tried to save Naruto's pride. "N-Naruto-kun, y-you should try to talk to her later… She's n-not feeling alright at this moment."

Naruto, finally noticing Hinata's presence, smiled. "Ah, it's Hinata! I didn't notice you, hehe. Anyway, it's fine if she's not feeling alright. I guess that's why all the other kids are avoiding her. I will talk to her later then, hehe!"

Naruto jumped off the bench, kicking off towards Sasuke who was sitting with a shocked face, going to mock him but Sakura intervened to stop him.

Raki looked at Hinata in the meantime, silently staring at her. 'She's obsessed with Naruto. Not that it's a problem. As far as I remember from the first part of the show, their relationship didn't move an inch even after three years. For me, that's enough time to seduce her along with her ancestors.'

"B-but really, Raki…" Hinata suddenly said, looking at her meekly. "I didn't know you were an Uchiha. This makes me happy… Once my father learns about this, he won't mind even if I hang out with you all day… I think."

That was another perk of bearing this blood, then. Now Hinata just saw her as a friend, which needed to be changed, which might be a bit hard since she's from a dignified clan that has taught and inserted many ideologies within her, along the idea of "Yuri" too, which isn't accepted into this world as of yet.

Though her meek personality might make it somewhat easier.

Raki hugged Hinata by throwing her hands around her shoulders, smiling. "Mhmm, isn't that good then? Soon I will be able to teach you stuff instead of the other way around. Hehe."

Hinata blushed at that, looking down. Indeed, Raki was talented. She would soon surpass someone like her who didn't even like fighting… but- "I-I won't fall behind!"

Raki blinked as Hinata clenched her fist and looked at her with a determined look on her face.

'Ah… Oh yes, shounen anime logic.'

Raki accepted her challenge… by patting her head. "Oh, you will. I am looking forward to that."

Hinata could only blush as Raki laughed at her reaction, her giggle rippling with the school bell that announced the end of today's classes.

"Raki, I have some stuff to do today s-so I will head off home first… You don't mind, right?"

"It's fine, don't worry about small stuff like these." Raki waved off as Hinata smiled, running off towards her clan building.

Raki then was about to leave the school too, but just before the gate… she found someone standing for her.

"Hi." It was Uchiha Sasuke, the only other Uchiha in the village.

"Hello, what's up?" Raki spotted in front of him, tilting her head. "Anything I can help you with?"

"Yes." The boy said after a small silence. "You're going to help with my revenge."


He reached out a hand for her. "Come with me and take revenge on the guy who killed your family. I don't know the details of your situation, but I doubt the rumour of you being an orphan from birth is correct. Come with me then, we will take revenge against Itachi."

"No." Raki sighed, beginning to walk by him… before he stepped in front of her, making her eyes narrow into slits.

"Why?! Do you not want revenge for your parents, your brothers, your cousins?! Do you not feel the hatred burn within you?"

"I don't. I can't really care less." Raki muttered, staring at his eyes. "I never met them in my life before, why should their death matter to me?"

"...So that's it, huh." Sasuke glared at her, scoffing. "A mere halfling. It looks like you didn't get the Uchiha pride from your parents. Pathetic. You're a spineless Uchiha."

Raki was finally annoyed. Why would she have a mere Uchiha's pride? She was someone behind the strongest of Gods. She said she didn't have a God Complex, but she did have her own pride, as those two were different things. How could the pride of a mere clan of this weak world compare to her?

"Hey, kid." She walked forward, grabbing his chin with one hand as he looked into his eyes with her face terribly closer to him. "...Haaah, I was going to say 'I am gonna fuck your father and give him a child he actually loves' but then I remembered oh no, your father is 6 feet underground now. You poor little bastard."


"Now fuck off." She released him, walking away. "Disturb me again and you'll face the consequences."

As she left, Sasuke's eyes were wide as a blush slowly appeared on his face. What was this feeling?... How did he never feel such a thing? Is it right to even feel this way?

He didn't know.

That was a fun small scene for her. She suddenly felt in a good mood, bullying the edgy brat. She didn't like edgy people anymore, it changed a long long time ago.

As she was humming and walking, she couldn't even walk 20 steps away from the school gate as a woman appeared in front of her suddenly.

The outfit she wore was all black, except for her white mask that resembled a bunny. If not for the bulge on her chest, Raki wouldn't even have been able to tell if this was a girl or not.

Raki actually sensed this woman while talking to Sasuke. It wasn't a chakra sense, she just could feel someone was watching her. Meaning this woman heard her conversation with Sasuke, though that didn't change the fact that Raki didn't care.

Raki didn't feel any hostility from the woman, so she didn't attack—not like she'd be able to win anyway—and waited for the woman to speak first.

"Raki Uchiha." The woman said, "Welcome. You have been chosen to be a part of the Root."

What the fuck was a Root?


~A few hours ago

『The Sharingan』

Considered to be the strongest dojutsu of all time, as long as the Rinnegan wasn't brought into question.

There was a reason why Kages from all over the world were so relieved when they heard about the Uchiha Massacre.

Along with the great number of cheat abilities the Sharingan had, it also had the power to control Tailed Beasts, the Bijuus. That meant, each Uchiha had the potential to end the world. That fact, the world learned the hard way.

All over the world, everyone knew Itachi Uchiha was the only Sharingan user left in the world, as the people outside Konoha didn't know about Sasuke's Sharingan awakening. That's why, the Hokage and the other officials of Konoha considered Sasuke to be a great future asset, as he was almost as talented as his older brother.

But today, everything changed.

A new Uchiha, with her Sharingan awakened, has appeared.

The founder of Root, Danzo, was sitting at a meeting table with the Council members and Hokage. They were talking about exactly this topic, with Danzo being the most interested.

"As I was saying, I want her in my Root." Danzo cut to the chase, watching as the others stayed silent. "I didn't bring Sasuke in because… well, there are reasons behind that. But this girl is different. She managed to unlock her Sharingan via the feeling of 'joy'. This is something unheard of, I want to know more."

He didn't bring Sasuke into Root because Itachi Uchiha would have fucking killed him if he did so. That brat was too strong for his own good.

"Don't be like Orochimaru." Hiruzen's calm voice interrupted, making Danzo frown. "We are not going to experiment on her, that's not how Konoha works."

"She's a nobody. Her mother was some random civilian, and her father is dead." Danzo said. "But you missed a point, Hiruzen. I am not trying to experiment with her. She's one of the only three Uchihas left, anyway. What'd it help me, even if I were to learn the secret of the Sharingan?"

He wasn't completely telling the truth. It would help him tremendously if he could learn more about Sharingan, as he had dozens of those attached to his right hand. But it was true that knowing how to awaken the Sharingan via positive emotions won't be a help to him, he had all his Sharingan awakened already after all.

The reason he wished for this girl was simple, he was certain she would make a great addition to his Root. He heard about the match that happened between her and Sasuke Uchiha, in very much detail. So he knew about her talent for swords. That alone was praiseworthy, and Danzo didn't praise many people.

With a sword prodigy under him, who also happened to have the Sharingan, he would be able to protect Konoha better than ever.

The discussion continued as the council members gave their own opinion on this. At last, Hiruzen sighed, opening his mouth before he shook his head.

"Alright, I see your point… This is for the village's betterment. Fortunately, she doesn't have any relatives, and even her friends are… well, barely there. Meaning her absence won't affect anyone in a bad way." Hiruzen said in a calculating tone.

He didn't like doing these things most of the time, but it was true that she's a nobody. People can keep rumbling about how it's a bad thing to do to a little girl, but Hiruzen has seen too many sacrifices of both young and old to care about her age.

He would have rather brought her to Anbu, but the Anbus are usually filled with clan prodigies, not orphans who only started learning Ninja aspect of life at the academy. Meaning, the training that the little girl missed needed to be fulfilled somehow, and the Root was better at such things compared to the Anbu. Both Hiruzen and Danzo knew about that.

Danzo then stood up, smirking softly. "Good that this didn't take much time, I am eager to meet this girl myself. So I will get going.". Saying so, he left, heading towards his base.

He's going to send a Ninja to fetch the girl soon, she's still in that useless school right now.




Author’s Note: Finally a chapter for this, and things have taken an unexpected turn for Raki.



Not really unexpected the moment she opened her sharingan we all knew Danzo would start throwing a tantrum 😂


Raki said "Miss me with Danzo here" and then legit gets hit with Danzo the moment she awakens her sharingan.