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Chapter 5


⟨The Sword Icon⟩

At one point in Raki's life, she was known by that title. Not because people used that name to refer to her, no. In actuality, the omniverse itself recognised her as the embodiment of the 'Sword' because her sword skills were unparalleled throughout every existence.

It's been ages since she earned that title, and there was barely anyone left in  the omniverse who remembered her by that title, because she gained a few more 'enlightenments' along the way. With only the Dragon Icon and Destruction Icon being on par with the Sword.

Today, right now when she was at her weakest with all her powers revoked, she still held a tiny, very tiny bit of authority over the concept of Sword, Dragon and Destruction.

Because even for someone like her brother, it'd be hard to revoke all these authorities entirely while still keeping her existence as 'Raki' unharmed.

Bastard he might be, but he didn't want her to perish or become a broken doll. If not he would have annihilated her instead of throwing her here.

Still, currently these weakened icons provide close to nothing. Destruction Icon wasn't something she could use right now because she would get annihilated even before using the little power she could muster.

The Dragon Icon was mostly useless too because she's not a Dragon anymore, so she would need immense physical strength or build a dominant aura around her for it to start showing basic effects.

That left her with the Sword Icon, which was honestly… useless too because she couldn't remember how to use the sword, nor could she remember how to perform even the basics of techniques. Just that, the Sword Icon had an immediate effect compared to the other two, which allowed her the ability to use the sword solely based on her instincts. This would also allow her the chance to learn the sword at a much much much faster rate than the greatest sword prodigies.

She also instinctively knew how to use these powers too, as they weren't something stored within her 'memories'.

'Now, that was a heck of a flashback, let's stop.' Raki thought, waving her sword like a dull stick.

In front of her, the 'last' Uchiha had taken a pose with his kunais, and surprisingly to her, his eyes were glowing red.

'Wasn't he supposed to not unlock his Sharingan before the bridge arc?' Raki questioned herself.

This was either her memory playing tricks, which she doubted, oooor… her brother fucked with the timeline.

'That bastard won't even let me use the tiny bit of meta knowledge I have? Tsk, fine.' Raki scoffed softly, which seemed to make Sasuke frown.

But the uchiha didn't say anything and simply waited for Mizuki's words which would indicate the start of the spar.

"Since both of you have chosen your weapons… Start!"

Immediately as the words entered Sasuke's ears, he threw seven shurikens forward at Raki's face with the absolute accuracy that his Sharingan provided.

The match had ended right then, as far as Sasuke was concerned. No academy kid would be able to dodge the web of shuriken thrown using the accuracy of his sharingan.

Sasuke expected the win so much that he almost turned around to wait for Mizuki's declaration of victory, but…


He turned back to Raki with surprised eyes and watched her sword move swiftly, deflecting a shuriken.

Clink Clink Clink-

The scene repeated itself six more times with Raki blocking all the shurikens perfectly.

'How is this possible.'

Sasuke couldn't help but glare at her.

Who was this girl? She's someone insignificant enough for him to never notice her in his 4 years in the academy. Yet, this presumably 'insignificant' girl easily blocked his shurikens? On top, the way she moved her sword… it's as if she was moving a broom, a stick.

"That's all?" asked the girl, tilting her head and leaning over the sword that was more than half the size of her body.

The students, Sasuke noted, were equally surprised. So it's not as if he missed this girl. It seemed she never had shown her talents, to begin with.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, this time grabbing his shurikens as he dashed to the side. Running from side to side, intending to make her unable to trace his shots, he kept throwing the kunais.

Even if she managed to block the shurikens, the kunais were a bit heavier and with the throwing speed to boot, a girl with such a small body frame wouldn't be able to block all of them without stumbling-


She blocked the first kunai.

Clink Clink.

Then the second, and third.

She blocked all kunais as if she was playing baseball with the sword, easily deflecting the incoming kunais to the side one by one.

Sasuke even exhausted himself a bit, yet the girl's expression said she was contemplating what to eat tonight.

'This girl…'

Sasuke's Sharingan focused on the girl, trying to see if she was doing any trick with her chakra. But no… nothing. Her chakra rhythm seemed calm and still, indicating she wasn't even using it to boost her reflexes.

"Oy, you aren't gonna attack anymore?" The girl said, seemingly bored of waiting for his next attack. "It's my turn then."

Sasuke frowned immediately as she kicked the ground and ran to him… though that frown lightened seeing her running.

She was slow.

Too slow.

It didn't seem like she was taking it easy running… Just that, she couldn't run any faster.

She was even panting, which she wasn't doing until now.

'So… she's only good with the sword? I see.'

Sasuke was curious about her sword technique, which although seemed crude at first glance, his Sharingan said otherwise. However, none of that mattered. He didn't want to lose. He couldn't lose. So he needed to make use of this weakness against her.

As Raki ran, Sasuke ran too, right at her.

He clutched two Kunais on both his hands and watched her sword sway in the air as she panted towards him, the weight of the sword a bit too much for her small body.

Getting closer to her Sasuke swiped his kunai towards her throat, with the intention to murder her right here.


Sasuke half expected the sword to block his attack, which indeed happened so he swiped his other hand towards her abdomen.

This was an advantage he had that she didn't. She only had one weapon, and she used it to block his attack, leaving her defenceless.

…Then it happened.

In quick succession, Raki removed one of her hands from the hilt of her sword and grabbed the wrist of Sasuke's incoming hand, even as Sasuke tried to move away with extreme accuracy that his single-tomoe Sharingan granted. She then twisted his wrist, causing him to grunt and lose grip on his Kunai.

Sasuke wanted to retreat backwards immediately but Raki's right leg flashed behind his knees, and although the strike was weak it was just on the right spot to make him stumble backwards.

Sasuke's other kunai fell from his hand too and he fell on his back, immediately after Raki raised her sword in the air and drove it down.


Mizuki shouted, but  Raki's sword didn’t stop. Though it did simply slip by Sasuke's head and dug itself on the ground just near his ear. Sasuke held his breath to stop his head from moving in case he accidentally sliced his ear off.

"What do you think you're doing, Raki?! I allowed the use of weapons, I didn't allow you to kill people!" Mizuki said, running over and snatching the sword away from Raki's hand.

He separated Sasuke and Raki and crossed his arms to observe them.

Sasuke had his head down, his Sharingan turned off as he stared at the ground with wide eyes. Unable to process the incident happening right now.

Raki simply shrugged on her spot. "I wasn't going to kill him, you know. I would have stopped after cutting his nose, maybe?"

Mizuki's lips twitched as he opened his mouth to say something. But he closed it immediately. He had a different plan than scolding her.

'Some might say her movements were crude, or just lucky shots, but there clearly was calculated sword style behind it.' Mizuki thought. 'Yet she never took Kenjutsu class, meaning she was self-trained. This is a talent I just witnessed. Shunning her off won't do… Instead, if I can lure her on my side then Orochimaru would most likely be interested in her talent. On top… if I can make her loyal to myself, I won't be alone after leaving the village in the upcoming month.' Mizuki thought with multiple plans flashing in his mind. 'Besides, she doesn't look that bad either… I can have some fun too after I make her loyal to me. Heh, this can work.'

Mizuki actually had no ill history with Raki until yesterday when she was sleeping in his classroom. So he didn't have an actual reason to discriminate against her, more so after witnessing her talent. She defeated the undefeated Uchiha, who Mizuki would admit that even his own younger self won't be able to defeat.

The students were gossiping in the background, discussing if this was a dream or not, or if Sasuke had a bad stomach today, or if this girl used some cheap tricks.

Discarding them, Mizuki said to Raki, "I must say I am impressed. If you are this good with the sword without any proper training, I can only wonder what you would do if you were personally trained by a Kenjutsu teacher like, let's say, myself."

Mizuki wasn't actually an official Kenjutsu expert, as he liked to use large shurikens himself. But if he were to count the best Kenjutsu users in the academy, he sure was on the high ladders. In fact, he taught quite a few Kenjutsu classes himself when the actual Sensei for that class was unable to for various reasons. So the students were aware of how good he was.

So in a way, he was something of a Kenjutsu Teacher himself.

Most importantly, he was the only one amongst the teachers who had time to train a student personally. So this opportunity was great to Raki, in Mizuki's opinion. On top, when he would join Orochimaru next month, if the Snake Sage indeed grew impressed by the girl's talent, he might as well teach her a few tricks himself, as he was a renowned Kenjutsu Master.

"Huh?" Raki tilted her head. "Wait, are you suggesting you would teach me how to use a sword?"

The girl asked, and from her dumbfounded expression, Mizuki was certain she took the bait.

"Heh, well I recognise talent when I see one. You probably already know how good I am at Kenjutsu amongst the teachers in the academy. What do you say, isn't this quite the opportunity?" Mizuki said, half expecting the girl to quickly bow and call him 'Master' but…

The girl looked offended, as if Mizuki murdered her parents in front of her.

"You? Teach me how to wield a sword?  …This cocksucker." Raki said in disbelief, frowning in disgust.

Mizuki's eyes widened at her insult, veins popping up on his head as the students went all silent.

But Raki didn't care. This was an even bigger insult to her. At her prime, she was certainly above the ranks of 'Gods' and such, but she didn't have a God Complex for the most part. But still… hearing this… this idiot, this mucus looking bastard say he will teach her how to use a sword, Raki couldn't help but question her life.

That shock soon turned into a joke though, as Mizuki's face started to transform into that of a clown's in her eyes.

A mere mortal playing Ninja wanted to teach her how to wield a sword. 'What a clown.'

Slowly, her lips twitched as Raki started to laugh in amusement. She started to crackle like a villain having his last laugh.

"Oh wow, this idiot…" she grabbed her tummy and laughed with her head looking at the roof, while the whole class stayed silent.

"Oh, someone stop me, fuck I am will die like this… Hahahahaha!"

This was hilarious. So hilarious that she could say she didn't laugh like this in a few decades, if not centuries.

She could feel Mizuki growing angry each second and the student slowly starting to murmur, but as she opened her eyes and looked at Mizuki, wiping tears of happiness from the corner of her eyes… everything went silent again.

"Huh?" She frowned. "What's up now? Why're you looking at me as if I am the clown now?"

"R-Raki!" it was Hinata who yelled from within the students, her Byakugan active. "Y-your eyes!"

Raki frowned and immediately looked for a mirror, and unable to find one in the whole room, she looked at the sword on Mizku's hands.

On the blade of the sword, two red eyes were reflecting. Blood red with one tomoe on each pupil looking directly at her eyes.

Those were… her own eyes.

Those eyes were… The Sharingan.




Author's Note:

Sarada Uchiha, Sasuke's daughter, is special since she's a half-blooded Uchiha. The one special thing about her that we know from Boruto is, she unlocked her basic Sharingan by feeling joy, happiness. Unlike the usual full-blooded Uchihas who unlock it by feeling extreme grief, sadness or any negative emotion really.

So for anyone who didn't watch Boruto, since it's trash, that's a heads up of what happened to Raki in this chapter.