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This is probably the worst time for this considering the current rush in the plot, but I really have to take a break for a while.

Exams are starting in a few days, and life is under a lot of pressure because of school and tuitions. Since this arc is very important, I don't want to half-ass it, while at the same time half-assing my results, so this is important for me to focus on one.

My exams end on 31st March, meaning I probably won't be able to release any chapter this month starting from today. I will at least try to end the cliffhanger of chapter 152 as soon as possible, and most likely post a few more chapters on the days when the easy exams are being taken, so I guess look forward to that.

Either way, this means we won't see each other for a while, but I will reply if you have any questions.

For now, farewell.



Good luck bro 😌


take care n good luck 🐇🐇