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Chapter 274

The Straw Hats consisted of very few members. Amongst them, Nami was still in the brothel, Honey Queen was enjoying her free time in luxury, Bartolomeo was dead and Franky was brainwashed years ago.

Besides them, there were only Zoro, Sanji, Ussop and Alice.

At first, Amon had kept Alice alive because of Sengoku, in case he needed to blackmail him. But now that he died, there was no need for the girl to stay alive, since she could of course try to take revenge for her father's death.

Which led Amon to the decision of killing her, but the girl took a 180° turn in personality today, now that Amon had come into her room to finish her off.

"Now, lay down… l-let me take the lead." Alice spoke, in her pathetic try to sound seductive as she slowly climbed on top of Amon.

Amon held in a laugh and let the process unfold in front of him.

She was trying to seduce him, which was cute but... useless. Amon already knew all her motives.

She had drunk a strong poison that would kill the drinker in an hour, without any side-effects the death would come suddenly. Amon has watched her drink it himself, with his vision reaching everywhere.

From what he could guess, she planned to let her body fluid infect him with the poison too, therefore killing them both. But Amon has been playing with poison since the day he learned Seimei Kikan, and more strongly after obtaining Reiju. These types of poisons were too weak for him.

In the end, Alice died with foam coming out of her mouth and something similarly white dipping out of her lower-mouth.

Which meant Zoro, Ussop, and Sanji were the only Strawhats left alive now.

Amon left Zoro to Raki since she'll be going to Mihawk's island every now and then to challenge him. Which left Usopp and Sanji.

Ussop was on an island derived from the world and only got the newspaper once a month. With his scaredy-cat personality, he won't rush to fight Amon. He was the type to plan things, and Amon was up for a game of chess. Though honestly, he was just overestimating the enemy.

Sanji, however, would most likely attack Amon, if his calculations were correct.

Sanji is with Ivankov, who hadn't gone against Amon in the last year and so was alive and chilling in his kingdom. But if he were to come after him to take revenge for Dragon, then Sanji will come too. Which will end in the same way it did with Sabo…


Amon would not show any mercy to his enemies, not at all.

So… he only waited, waited to see what those remaining three would do exactly.

Perhaps he will get to see some more tricks of the Will of the World?


It's been almost a year since then.

The world was regaining its peace, and people were living happier than ever under Amon's rule.

Though that was mostly thanks to the Moon People helping Amon, but honestly, Amon wasn't a bad ruler.

He wanted to milk benefits from his subjects, and his subjects can only give good enough benefits when they have a full tummy, both physically and mentally.

But frankly… nurturing good lives for common humans wasn't exactly that beneficial for Amon in the long run.

There was, of course, a bigger reason. More like a theory, at this point. After he attains the World Core, would he gain control over the solar system? After all, wasn't the World Core made from the will of all the planet in a Star System?

If that were the case and Amon indeed gained some kind of passive 'Domain', like inside  «Room», then this planet would be his base. Which meant he needed a good problem-less environment to work.

So, in the end, all of this decision on the World Core. His theory was very vague and lacking, he knew. Which was why he was also preparing to leave and use this planet as a life stock if needed. But all will be decided after gaining the world core, which was… very soon.

Moving from him, the Sins were also living more luxurious lives than before.

Amongst the seven, Wyper has challenged Amon multiple times in the last 10 months.

He has lost each time, of course. And slowly, but surely, his self-esteem was falling lower and lower.

He again thought it was time to get a girl for himself, but Conis had died in the attack of Skypiea. So he didn’t have anyone in mind. Until—he met the Princess of Moon-5.

She didn’t look humane, despite her humanoid form. Her skin was pure white and glossy, shining and looking as if it’d shatter upon contact. Her hair, her eyebrows, and even her eyelashes were glossy white too.

Wyper found a strange charm in her, which was further increased when he witnessed her strength in battle. He liked strong women, after all.

Moreover, after learning Amon had yet to touch the girl, he felt at ease and tried to get close to her.

Which didn’t work.

Apparently, the girl was a fangirl of Amon and she called it ‘love at first sight’. If not for her mother stopping her, she would have been in Amon’s bed long ago.

“Tch, tch. Women these days.”

Then again, now that Wyper knew there were more races than humans in this universe, he knew he would get his chance someday. So he stopped trying to get a girl and focused on training again.



Isa sighed deeply as she sat on a stool beside Amon on the rooftop of the recently built ‘Shandora’.

“What is it, aunty?” Amon turned his head away from the book he was reading, from the cover it seemed to be a book on Long Leg and Long Arm martial arts. “Is the view not pleasant from here?”

The view was astonishing, actually. The Redline was 10 kilometres high from the sea levels, and so was most Sky Islands, which were above most clouds. Meaning, sitting on the rooftop of a Palace made above Redline, Amon and Isa felt like sitting in heaven because of the clouds surrounding it.

At the same time, the Germa Kingdom and New Thriller Bark were also visible from here, so people didn’t feel alone and stranded either.

“No, it’s not that,” Isa replied. The view was beautiful. “I am worried about something.”

“And that is…?” Amon asked.

He could, if he wished, read her mind. But that wouldn’t be a fun conversation, would it? Either way, he could guess what she was about to say.

“Are you worried about Wyper? I am sure he will find someone. I recall the people of Moon-6 respect Wyper a lot, he’s like an idol there.” The People of Moon-6 had Fire Abilities, and so they knew how strong Wyper’s fire was more than most. “There are quite some good girls there… It’s just when he makes his mind, honestly. He is no child, after all. He can decide for himself.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Guess Wyper will find his soulmate too someday…” Isa sighed deeply once again.

“...” Amon blinked at her. “You know, I am not reading your mind, but if you keep this up, I just might.”

Isa shrugged. “Hey, come on, you’re the guy who played mind games with old men on an world wide level, yet you can’t see the point I am trying to make? I am talking about Aisa!”

“...Oh," Amon blinked.

"I get it now.” he nodded. “Surely, being my youngest sister, she deserves the best. But until that ‘best’ comes around, she can keep training. We’ve got a lot of time on our hands, after all.”

"That's true…" Isa looked solemn now. "I won't be there for her forever. While she'll leave for outer space and spend centuries out there, I will be long gone."

Amon gave her a sidelong glance.

The "Longevity Formula" was done. It took Amon a great lot of work and money to fix Seraph, but it wasn't impossible. She wasn't in her best even now, after two years, but she had managed to get back most of her lost data with the help of Clank-Clank Fruit, which he made her eat.

So the research on Ancient Giants and regular Giants had continued effortlessly. By now, she, Judge, and Vegapunk—who Amon kidnapped a year ago—had figured out a way to make a formula that let humans live longer than Ancient Giants, which was around 600 to 700 years.

The Sins would soon experience the surgery necessary, one by one along with some other important people Amon needs. Such as Vivi, The Germa Royal Family, the Leaders of countless Wingless Valkyrie factions, and lastly, Amon's hundreds of scientists (which Vegapunk and Karna were part of).

Vivi would rule this world for him when he'll be absent. He plans to make this star system his base of operations, so he would stay on this planet for most of his time. But of course, there'll be times when he would need to be outside for years, or decades even since he wasn't delusional enough to conquer the universe in a few months. In those days, Vivi will watch over.

Though Amon will change her if needed. Such as, if she grew too 'wise' because of old age.

The other people mentioned were also of similar reasons. They would rule the world under him, taking the load of work off his own shoulders. It'd be annoying to keep changing them every few decades, so it's fine if they lived a bit longer than others.

Amon was iffy about some others who he hasn't mentioned here, though. Such as Nico Robin.

Either way, that was not the whole point. The whole point of this was that Isa will die while Aisa, as one of the Sins, lives a long fulfilled life.

Isa had refused Amon's offer of taking the surgery. She, along with her husband, said to be content with their current life and didn't need such an outstandingly long life.

Amon agreed to that. He will be a bit down for a while, but… not for that long. She could change her mind whenever she wanted, so that's a thing too. Either way, Amon could understand what she was implying.

When she'll be gone, who'll look after Aisa?

Amon sighed as he scratched his chin.

"So… you want me to take her?"

"Yess!" Isa cried. "As a mother, I of course want the best husband for my dear daughter. In this entire world, who's the best?"

Amon sighed.

"See! Okay, you can reject it if you wish, but please consider it." Isa said. "I would have offered this before, but I thought you didn't see your sisters that way. But now that…. You have a relationship with Raki, I knew that wasn't the case. So," she clasped her palms together. "Un, please take care of Aisa when I am gone."

Amon parted his lips… before sighing. He brought her to a hug. "Don't plea to me like that, aunty. It's not as if you are asking me to take garbage either."

Aisa was beautiful because of the remastered Angel Formula that every Skypiean took a few years ago. It's not as if he was being asked to marry an ugly woman.

"Just…" Amon shook his head. "No, never mind."

...He can't tell his aunt that he won't come to love her, at all.


Isa released a relieved sigh.

"Though…" she raised her head again. "Grandchildren when?"


Amon turned his head back to his books.


There's barely a month left until Raki's mission's time is up.

The mission is to attain the title of the World's Strongest Swordsman.

...Though she hoped it'd be changed to 'Swordswoman' when the time comes.

But for either of that, she would have to defeat the man known as Hawkeye Mihawk.

She was exactly trying to do that right now.

Mihawk and Raki exchanged blows, slashes, and hits of their swords.

Raki refused to use her devil fruit powers, even though her Zoan already gave her a physical boost, on top of her genetically enhanced body.

The ruined terrain they were fighting at was Mihawk's castle, that's been destroyed in her fight against Zoro a few minutes ago.

That's what Mihawk's been doing for the past year. Whenever Raki came to challenge him, he put that Zoro guy between them, telling her to fight the guy.

That stubborn green-head was annoying. But it only took seconds to take him out for the first time. Then she went to Mihawk, but that time, she was the one defeated in seconds.

Since then, she's come to this place more than a hundred times. And… Zoro's been more annoying than ever now that one of the last two remaining Crewmates of his, Sanji, was dead too.

He lasted longer now, almost matching her in swordsmanship. Which was such bullshit. How can he catch up to her from that weak and pathetic level in less than a year?!

Though the same could be said for her too.

The fight right now, as Raki dodged a slash from Mihawk's longsword, Raki realised she's come far herself.

It clearly was nothing compared to Zoro's growth, but since the last few tries, she's noticed how close she was to defeat Mihawk.

Last time, she took away three of his fingers. So his movements were a bit awkward. It was shocking how he could still match her like that. But guess that's why he was seen as the Strongest Swordsmanship.

Hawkeye Mihawk was a Whitebeard to the swordsman of this world.


Raki's two Supreme Grade swords, which were reformed to the shape of two Katanas, went towards Mihawk's neck.

Mihawk blocked both with his sword, but Raki withdrew one of her swords from under and attacked from the side.

Mihawk blocked it again with his sword, while still blocking the first.

Raki used the moment to use her wings to attack him. The sharp feathers at the edge of her wings got covered in armament, just as she slashed them at Mihawk.

Mihawk had to withdraw his sword to block the incoming attack, only to leave an opening for Raki to exploit.

She landed a slash on the side of his ribs, receiving a groan from the man.

Mihawk took a step back and tried to counterattack, but Raki's blades stopped his sword and her wing went to attack again.

Roronoa Zoro breathed heavily as he watched the fight with his back resting against the concrete wall.

Raki stopped striking for a moment and watched Mihawk’s movements. “You’re weaker than last time…”

“Heh.” Hawkeye Mihawk smirked. “Or you’re just stronger.”

Mihawk watched her golden eyes looming over him as he understood, today was the day, when he will pass over his title.





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