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Chapter 252

There were 30 thousand soldiers here. Kaido had called most of his troops from across the world as a safety measure for any attack from Amon.

Raki knew it would be a waste of precious time to fight on those small fries.

So, Yamato, Wyper and Hancock used the same move they did in Marineford after reaching the middle of Skull Dome.

With a burst of all three of their Conquerors Haki, 90% of the pirates present were immediately knocked out with the remaining running away or being too far to even notice.

Immediately when their burst ended, five strong presences came rushing into their vicinity.

Page-One, Ulti, Who's Who, Black Maria, Saski. They were the Flying Five!

"Who comes?!"

That's what Black Maria had yelled out when she rushed in front of the Sins. But as her eyes narrowed at them, before widening, she immediately tried to flee.

Raki didn't give her that chance and rushed at her. Her fist curled up, an orb of white appearing, as she slammed down on the giant 26 feet woman.

The space itself cracked like glass as Maria's eyes went blank against the power of the former Strongest Man Alive.

The other Flying Five were immediately alarmed but the Sins didn't give them seconds to think before they all crashed into them.

Five Vice Admiral level opponents couldn't take on the Seven Emperor Commander level at all, as at exactly 40 seconds they were all lying on the ground, severely injured.

All their arms and legs were broken, but Amon had told the Sins to not kill the Flying Five and King of the Wildfire unless it's a necessity.

He apparently had uses for them.

"Who comes?!"

Then came an even louder voice. Slowly with loud footsteps Queen, King and Reo walked in at the spot.

"Who dares to-" Queen's voice caught in mid-sentence as his alarm spiked up.

Before the Calamities could react, the Sins' eyes locked with Reo.

"Reo, it's time for you to shine!"

Raki ordered aloud just as she was instructed. Not even she knew that Reo hadn't actually betrayed Skypiea until yesterday along with the Sins.

Reo's body froze briefly, processing everything in his mind before he struck at Queen's back.

Reo was much stronger than both Queen and King Haki-wise. But he knew he was no match for King's defence, so he let the Sins handle the man and chose to attack Queen instead.

The Sins took the chance and immediately rushed forward just at King who took out his sword at a blinding speed before striking forward.

Raki groaned at not having her swords to block it and dodged the attack with everyone else.

"Guys, look at the fire on his back." Raki shouted. "As long as that is turned on, he is pretty much invincible. Wyper, try to turn it off!"

"Don't order me!!"

Wyper yelled in annoyance.

Amon didn't know about King at all since he had stopped reading the manga around chapter 1000. However, in all these years Reo has been here, he has learned enough about King and his weakness. Amon was notified thoroughly.

The Lunarians had a fire on their backs. When that is turned on, their defence is top tier. In the canon timeline, King was quite easily defending Zoro's slashes that had only recently cut Kaido's skins. However, when that fire is turned off, it's not as if they lose everything they have either. They lose their defence, but their speed increases tremendously. They were a perfect battle race.

But King was surrounded, his speed wouldn't matter, and that is why the Sins needed to tone down his defence instead.

Wyper's hand swiped in the air as the fire in King's back went off like a burned-out candle.


Raki's words came to a halt as the spark of flame flared back up from King's back.

"That won't work, unfortunately." King's ruff voice said.

Wyper clicked his tongue before saying, "I am trusting the intel on him. He would be invincible with that fire turned on. So I will keep turning it off every time he turns it on. Everyone else, keep attacking."

"Okay. But don't order me!"

This time it was Raki who complained as she kicked the ground at King. Yamato and the other sins also rushed at him immediately.

On the side, Queen was being roughly beaten by Reo who kept trashing the fat man with his arms coated in dark dragon scales. Each of the hits sounded out like metal hitting metal since Queen was a cyborg on the inside. But it at least stopped him from transforming into his zoan form where his defence was much higher.

At the main battle, King slashed at Wyper first, knowing how annoying it was that his fire was being turned off every time he tried to turn it on.

But Raki's fist came hitting on the left of his jaw, while Yamato's club hit on his right, causing his slash to quiver and his throat to groan.

Then with a loud crack, his mask split in the middle as bits of it started to fall down on the floor, revealing a bit of his dark chocolate skin and white shoulder-length hair.

"You ants-"

He tried to say, but Urouge's palm came crashing into him with a ripple coming out from the impact point.

Urouge's original body was vaporised, meaning Amon had no way to extract his Fruit Mastery, that's why his current progression with his Karma-Karma fruit was measly. However, as he was a clone made by Germa, Amon had done some modifications to his body too.

Like how Reiju had a poisonous body and Raki had the power to control Light, Urouge had the superpower that allowed him to absorb things…beyond physical.

Using that, he was able to absorb a bit of the Conqueror Haki burst from before.

And now, from the point of his palms, he radiated the same burst in the form of a beam.

His rough voice said, "What comes around, goes around."

His hand flashed with red and blue colours before it went through the defenceless King in an instant.

King cried out loudly, but it was clearly not enough to knock him out entirely. So Tsumi's blade, which was radiating frost, slashed across his chest and created a scar. Hancock's kick caused his shoulder to turn into stone, unable to block her fruit with his haki because of the pain, and Raki's constant punches started to barrage through his ribs.

At last, Yamato's club hit King in the head, shattering the rest of his mask, as King's eyes went visibly blank in front of the Sins.

"Reo, you betrayed Kaido!!"

As King's body fell to the ground, each of them turned to Queen's shout, who was desperately fighting against Reo who was skillfully fighting. But without any dignity, the Sins rushed in to aid Reo.

This time, no other Sin got to attack first as Wyper took the lead, clearly displeased to not get any action from King.

He wasn't using any weapon this time, just his fist. He was quite fond of it after donutting Akainu.

Queen's eyes locked on Wyper even as he defended against Reo's attack as Wyper growled.

"Oy, Reo, move."

Without protesting, Reo stepped to the side just as Queen's lips twitched.

"You never listen to us like that! You fucking loyal skypiean dog!!"

Queen's words came to a halt as Wyper concentrated his fire onto his fist and then threw it forward.

Unlike how his blue flames usually were, light and gaseous. This time, his blue flame was dark and almost looked liquid. This was a technique he made after studying Akainu. Fire, as hot as it was, couldn't melt things that fast since it was gaseous. But by concentrating it deeply, by compressing the atoms of the fire to stay closer to each other, Wyper could give it a liquid look that melted anything like hot acid.


And so, as the fist made of liquid flame hit Queen at his right arm, eating out his flesh to reveal the metal padding below, which was quite unscratched even with the liquid flame.

Wyper frowned just as another voice came from behind.

"Tch, weak. Can't even one-shot."

Raki said as she rushed ahead of Wyper. First, an orb of white formed around her hand before it shone in bright yellow just as Light started to condense on her palm too as she threw it forward.

The ball of golden light flung at Queen and upon contact, it exploded brightly as cracks formed around King's body and even the space.

That attack was a mix of her fruit and Genetic Superpower.

Queen yelled out again and this time from under the explosion, his ragged flesh came out to view with the metal coating revealed under his belly, proving his cyborg body. But that metal was dent backwards.

"Tch, can't kill him with a single shot even with the most powerful paramecia."

Wyper said, chuckling.


Ignoring Raki, Wyper rushed forward again.


It took 3 minutes for Queen's breathless and still body to lump down on the floor with a large fist-shaped hole in his chest, placed by Wyper.

Then, from the sky, a large serpentine figure started to float over.

"You braaats." King of the Beast, Kaido's dragonic voice crashed into the Sins. "You think it's so smart to come here alone without Amon?"

The sky had darkened by then, a storm brewing overhead. From Kaido's expression, he was the one making it instead of Amon who might be around somewhere.

"Now die."

He said and parted his jaws wide. A red light started to shine inside his mouth but he couldn't finish the attack as something shook in the air as from the dark clouds, a bolt of lightning, taking the form of a very large foot, struck at Kaido's head.

Kaido fell to the rooftop of the Skull Dome as the Sins quickly jumped over the ceilings, breaking them, and reaching the roof themselves.

There, the 30 feet large Amon stood with one of his legs pressing down on Kaido's head, keeping his jaws shut. From his jaws, smoke was leaking out from either side of his lips.

"I thought you'd know from Marineford, that just because you can't see me… doesn't mean I am not there," Amon said as he pressed his foot down harder.

In his waist, three swords hung. One was his Kiyu, but Raki had never seen the other two before. A small spark of excitement soon found itself in her heart.





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