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My exam starts tomorrow, on December 9th, and stretches upto December 23rd. 

This one is pretty important, and I haven't studied much so I hafta manage somehow with a day of preparation for each exam. (Which will be enough, as I am too OP 😎)

So, as unfortunate, as it is, you won't see a consistent Cursed Gamer update for the next two weeks.

The good news is; I will keep RAS like usual. It's about to end very soon, and I don't feel like stopping at a time like this. So happy RAS noises.

I will start updating Cursed Gamer properly too, after 23rd December.

But for now, for the upcoming two weeks, I have to study hard to mark a good result!

Bella Ciao, for now! 🙏



Good luck for your exams 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Good enough for me. I just finished exams and know the struggle. Focus on them and I wish you well.