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Chapter 2

Title: My weird life as a girl in Naruto world

Tags: Naruto, Izumi Uchiha, Genderbender, Weird Powers.

Is being transmigrated into the body of a girl gay? I don’t know, and I don’t fucking care. Because that's what happened to the sexy me.

I am Izumi, Uchiha Izumi. And this is the God-forsaken Naruto world.

If you haven't realised already, yes, I am the same girl who Itachi 'loved', apparently. I say apparently because my guy killed her in the original timeline, after all. I never cared about it before because Itachi was cool, but now that I became Izumi myself, how would I survive without caring about this?

"Huff… huff!"

I ran through the narrow jungle, my Sharingan activated. Now, Izumi actually unlocked her Sharingan even before Itachi,  in the Kyuubi attack. But don’t let that fool you, this girl is incompetent as fuck. She faints every time she uses her Sharingan for more than 5 fucking minutes because she lacks the chakra levels necessary to keep the eyes functioning. Guess that's what you get when you're only a Half Uchiha.

So why did I have them activated? Before that question, I guess I gotta explain why I am running.

The Uchiha Massacre.

That incident has started. I actually transmigrated less than 30 minutes ago, and from the bleak atmosphere outside my home, I easily understood what was happening after I connected the dots from Izumi’s memories.

If I recall correctly, Izumi was the last to be killed by Itachi, so I knew I had some time. That's why I started running as soon as I accepted the fact that now I am a girl, tch.


I will be honest, I am not confident that I'd be able to escape. To reserve chakra, I turned off my Sharingan for most of the time and only turned it on when I heard something suspicious. But honestly, if fucking Itachi doesn't find me Obito will, for sure.

I am dead meat.

If by heaven's luck I manage to escape today, I don't think it'd be for long. Those bastards would find me soon, very soon.

I knew I gotta think something to avoid the death of this new sexy me, but for now?

I have to run.



Under the dawn sunlight, I laid down beneath the shadow of a large tree.

"I survived."

I can’t believe it, but I fucking survived! I honestly have no idea how this happened. Did Itachi, for some reason, decide against killing me? I mean Izumi is a Half Uchiha, her mother is an Uchiha but her father isn't. So killing Izumi in the canon timeline was already kinda dumb, but maybe since I have at least tried to escape, the soft part of Itachi decided against killing me?

That's one of the many conclusions I reached, but I couldn't be sure of any of them. The butterfly effect can change many things, after all.

"So what do I do now?"

Was this even the original Naruto world? I am already seeing something that shouldn't happen in the original. So I am doubtful. But even then, it doesn't matter since I don’t fucking want to be involved in the canon story.

"I gotta think of something now."

My voice is fucking weird man, fucking sweet. Makes me realise what a fucked up situation I am in right now.

In a normal situation, I wouldn't have been able to accept that the great sexy me is now a female, but I guess desperate situations make people more adaptable.

But honestly, just as I said, I need to think of something. I did say I don't want to be involved in the canon, but I do hope I get my dick back. Without a dick, things are just weird man.

On a more serious note, I want to become strong. Who doesn't want power? The first time I watched Star Wars, I was begging whatever God existed to give me The Force, but eh, fuck, I was chunni back then.

But hoping for power isn’t chunni in this world, it’s realistic instead.

I hoped I would have some cheats in this world. I guess having a Sharingan is enough to cheat of itself, but I don’t have enough fucking chakra for that. I gotta find some ways to increase my chakra.

Sage Mode? I guess that'd work. Or I need to become a Jinchuriki. The second seems to be the best choice, truthfully.

"Kya, I want the Monkey one~"

Ugh, did I just scream 'Kya'? God kill me, please, look what you've done to the great me.

…Kurama is a good choice, but who doesn't want to become the Son Gokū? I guess that's my short term goal before I can get the Ten-Tails. Even so, that's all considering I survive.

“First, I need a disguise.”

I closed my eyes and focused my chakra on my hair. Then using transformation Jutsu, I turned my hair green and my eyes golden. This would probably stop normal people from recognising me instantly. I wanted to see how I looked, but I couldn't because I had no mirror. But I used a beautiful enough mental image.

[Image Here]

It was then-

"Huh? Is that a girl sleeping?"

The sudden deep voice of a burly man caused my eyes to shoot up as I frowned.

5 guys, most of them skinny as if they were malnourished, were following a heavy-looking dark-skinned dude who had a scar running down his face. His grin was mischievous.

"Wow, wow, look at that green hair. So beautiful."


"And those hips and breasts. I wonder how they'd giggle when I pound that tight ass."

...Ugh, fuck. Is this what girls have to go through every day?

I had thrown away my headband so they couldn't tell I am a Ninja now, if I had it they’d have probably run away. My chakra is exhausted from last night, but I think I can still use my Sharingan for a bit, at least on one of them.

The man at front slowly walked towards me, I opened my eyes wide as my golden eyes turned red, 3 tomoe appearing on both my eyes as I glared at him.


It was a simple Genjutsu, something that'd make the bulky man think the people behind him are his enemies.

The man froze briefly as I smiled softly, well, Half or not, I am still an Uchiha-


My thoughts stopped when the man smacked his own chest and coughed out Saliva.

He then quickly squeezed his eyes shut.

"Everyone, don't look, that's an Uchiha in disguise!"

...I guess this works too. Even if he somehow broke the illusion, my identity alone would keep them back. I don't think the news of the Uchiha Massacre travelled this far yet either.

Every bandit squeezed their eyes shut as I got up. I should run before they change their mind.

I was preparing to run, but as I turned my back to them, two huge arms wrapped around me.


A painful groan left my lips at the force on my ribs. This guy is strong for a civilian.

"You! You!!” The guy yelled in my ears. “You're one of the Uchihas who killed my family! I will get my revenge today, you bitch!"

...God, why, why am I so unlucky?

"As long as I don't look into your eyes, I can do whatever I want. I am still a rogue from the Lightning village!"

Ugh, I have a bad feeling about this.

"Bring a piece of cloth!"

Before I knew it, my eyes were blindfolded.

And before I could even curse the man for it, I was thrown on the ground and my clothes were torn apart.


It honestly wasn't a good experience being raped and gangbanged. I guess that confirms I am not a fucking Maso. Also, I apparently have a strong will because while it was painful, I held into it.

The good thing is, it seems I do have a cheat, a great one at that.

"Yeah, die, piece of trash!"

I kicked the 'body' of the burly man which rolled on the ground. Can that thing even be called a body though?

The guy had no meat in his body, only burned charred skin that clung to his… bones, his skeleton.

When the guy decided to ejaculate inside me, something strange happened and all of his vitality and chakra was sucked in by me.

"Serves him right."

I spat on the dude's corpse before doing the same to the two more bodies on the side.

There were 6 men in total, but not everyone did it inside me. When three of them turned to these abominations, the other three ran away screaming, "That's why we shouldn't have touched a Ninja!"

You're damn right.

For your information, you bastards, I got your faces memorised from back when I activated the Sharingan, I will find you and give you the worst experience of your lives.

Oh, also, I finally have an idea for my next actions.

By sucking the guys' chakra and vitality, my Chakra has almost doubled and I could feel that my body is stronger than before as well. Meaning sex gains me power, a lot of it.

So, I, Izumi Uchiha, have decided to open a brothel.


Things were really hard to get by as a girl, goddammit. While the females in the 21st century have the world's support behind them, it's the opposite in this backwater world.

Now, I couldn't just become a normal prostitute, I have pride and shit. First of all, I went to a village in the Earth Country. That's where the Jinchuriki of 4th tail, Rōshi, should be present, then I took over a Brothel after putting the 'Madame' of that brothel into my Genjutsu.

Now that I have enough Chaka, I can't explain in words how useful the Sharingan is. It's like I am playing a game with God Mode on.

Anyway, after killing the woman, I used a simple Genjutsu to make everyone working in the brothel believe I am the Madame who they have been working for years. It was honestly as simple as breathing since they were, in the end, nothing but civilians.

The next thing I did was eliminate all the men working in the brothel. I only needed females working there, truthfully. And the elimination process was me basically me sucking their life force.

I didn't fuck them. Back then, I was raped, so it's not gay, but if I fucked males willingly, now that, that’s gay. Gay as fuck.

For the first few months, I tried to understand my cheat power but got no progress. Finally, after a certain amount of time, I found a way to bypass it all.

Suppose a girl is fucking a guy, he is taking one of her holes. In that case, if I took the other hole of the girl, it creates a strange connection between me and the guy. Then through the girl, I get to suck the guy without me even touching him, this on the other hand strengthens the girl in the middle a bit too.

As for why I got to 'take her other hole' being a girl, that's because of a simple <Partial Transformation Jutsu>. Yes, you heard me right, I became a fucking futa.

But it was fine, right? Yes, it was. It's completely fine. I didn't abandon my dick, that's all that matters.

After that, I taught the girls in my brothel the Transformation Jutsu. This way, they could transform into different girls, even famous Ninjas such as Tsunade. Not every girl had enough Chakra needed to do that, but the ones who did? They basically became the superstar in the Land of Earth.

Now, the sexy me had one job left to do, to get the 4th Tail jinchuriki.

At first, when I came up with the idea, I actually didn't know how I would get the tailed beast to listen to me, or even seal that ape bastard. But now that I got this cheat, it's a matter of sex.

However, even after 1 year has passed, I couldn't find the guy.

Well, it's kinda dumb to expect the dude to randomly come to a brothel. He is after all a Ninja.

That's why, a few days ago, I started to take over the whole town I live in. I put the bigger heads of the towns under my Genjutsu, and they took care of the normal civilians. I luckily got my hands on one of the people working in an information agency, and I finally got some leads to Roshi, the Jinchuriki of the 4th Tail.

I have sent some girls from my brothel there to lure him here. I am not really confident, but based on the names - "Roshi", the Jinchuriki, and "Son Goku" the Tailed-beast - it’s safe to assume Kishimoto took inspiration from DBZ, and in that case, if this Roshi is also perverted, then eh, it’d be easy.

It's a wild guess, I know, but it's better than nothing. More so, I remember Son Goku being a pervert, that part is clear.


The girl who was lying beside me with one of my breasts in her mouth moaned softly. Eh, being a girl isn't that bad. I have more things from where I can feel pleasure from instead of just my dick. So I guess that's a plus?

I patted her head. Her name's Shizuka, and she looks like the girl from Doraemon, but of course older. I like her a lot, you can call her my personal pet. She is a prostitute by name only since the only person who touched her until now is me after I saved her from some bandits since I got ‘flashback’, tsk.

Patting her head, I suddenly raised an eyebrow. Izumi was a sensory type Ninja, and so am I, so I could sense the sea of hot chakra walking towards the city from miles away. I could also sense the chakra signature of the two whores I sent to find Roshi, so based on that, I guess my plan is succeeding.

I giggled softly and kissed the girl in my arms.

"Shizuka, I will be a bit busy soon, go and lock yourself in your room, alright?"

She merely nodded and walked away as I grinned.

Ehe, I think it's time for the great sexy me to finally start her journey towards power. This time, properly.


I am honestly sceptical. Can I really absorb the Chakra of a Tailed Beast and stay normal? I didn't know, but I guess there is no choice.

With all these thoughts running in my mind, I sat beside a gramophone. I wore lipstick, leg stockings, a seductive red dress. My hair that was decorated in accessories flew down my back like a river, with all this I looked gorgeous.

[Image Here]

I had my natural brown hair turned black and had my eyes red. This way, I can use my Sharingan more easily, from far away people would rarely see the tomoes. Also, look what a year of touching does to a woman, whoa, I look too hot to stay in this world.

"Hehe, my my, I didn't know Madam was so sexy. I shouldn't have doubted the girls you sent."

Right then, the man with red hair, beard, and moustache smiled at me pervertedly. His eyes ran over my body with a glint in them.

Eugh, fucking cuckold, I would have normally cut his dick off. But his dick is needed for me to suck him dry.

I flashed a smile and giggled as seductively as possible. "Oh my, I had heard about Mr Roshi's handsomeness before, but I wasn't expecting this."

I looked at his chest and licked my lips. The things you gotta do for power.

"I am sure you can tell from my chakra reserves that I am a rogue Ninja." I made things clear before he could get suspicious. "While I am fairly strong, I believe my village would send people to me the moment they realise where I am, and if they send a bunch of Jonins, I have no chance. That's why I was looking for a backing, and I merely decided to choose the most handsome Jinjuriki."

The man seemed flattered at this. "Good that you made it clear, I was getting suspicious as to why a Madam of a brothel had such chakra reserves. I would have normally thought of you as an assassin if not for your reputation in this area. Haha, and in case you aren't one of the ghosts of the Uchihas, there is no way this would be a Genjutsu's work."

I giggled and took a puff out of my smoking pipe. Ah, if only he knew…

"Now," he chuckled. "I usually don't take companions… but even if you're not that strong, just having a fuckmate around me would be a great asset."

God, I want to tear his head apart. But control, I'm a good girl.

"So," he licked his lips looking at my cleavage peeking from my dress. "When do you want to start?"

I covered my mouth and giggled. "Ah well, you see her?" I pointed at the girl beside me who bowed. "I was thinking of having a threesome."

The man immediately clicked his tongue. "Nope, not happening. I want you by myself, we can do threesome foursome or whatever-some you want later on."

Goddammit, this old bastard.

I laughed. "Oh come on, we would be together after today, me and you, then you can do me alone, but I was thinking of your first time to be a bit more interesting, you see."

The man stared at me briefly before shaking his head.

Ok, fuck you, just this once, I will do it just this once!


You can't have sex with Shadow Clones, something I learned a long time ago. Since Shadow Clones dissipate the moment they receive a strong enough blow or a cut, it dissipates when you try having sex with it, as well. The moment you'd penetrate a shadow clone, it would go poof.

So here I am, on my actual body, lying on the futon with the guy above me, as he slowly spread my legs.

"That's a good pussy if I ever saw one."

He chuckled before rubbing his dick with my pussy. My futa dick is temporary, only when I use the transformation jutsu, so it’s not there now.

Though… such a small dick. Is that even 3 inches?

As he finally positioned his dick on my lovely region, he thrust inside and immediately groaned.

"So t-tight!"

I stared at him deadpanly for a second before making a fake moan. I am not even wet, I had to use glycerine.

After huffing for a minute, he smiled at me and lowered his mouth to me, trying to kiss, but I blocked him with one of my fingers and hummed.

"Mmhm." I shook my head. "In my clan, kissing is really relevant. You can only kiss a person who you love, and even though I appreciate your handsome face and large cock, I am sure you know falling in love this quickly is not how it works."

He looked a bit angry at first, but my flatters worked as he chuckled.

"Well, I guess I can work with that."

He then moved his hips backwards and thrust inside, causing me to moan again, another fake one of course.

After 2 minutes,

"I-I am cumming!"

The guy yelled and thrusted again, his life's last thrust as he released his load inside me, but before it could reach my womb, something flickered from inside me and grabbed his semen along with his dick.

"W-what's happening?"

I giggled. "Don't worry, my dear. It's a technique I learned in my life as a Madame. You'd feel good, trust me."

He looked sceptical, but he nodded at the end. Or he tried to nod because before he could, his body went blue and red. His veins popped up and his eyes widened as he realized something was wrong. Normally, a guy would die right now, but I guess since he has a large chakra reserve being a Jinchuriki, it is taking a bit of time.


The guy yelled in main.

"You bitch! I knew something was wrong from the start!"

]I smiled softly. "Ara, really? You small dicked bastard, don’t lie to yourself.”

The guy's pupils shook. He gritted his teeth through the pain and coated his fist in Magma, reminding me he is still the Jinchuriki of the Lava Style tailed beast, and punched towards me.

I tried to avoid it, but the thing inside me was grabbing his dick and sucking him, so I couldn't move away from him. His fist landed on the right side of my face as I realised… my skull had melted.

That's how my 2nd life ended.

Or should I say that's how it was supposed to end?


The next time I woke up, I didn't find myself in my previous world, nor did I find myself back in time, like some regression. The next time I woke up, I was inside a fire.

I am in hell?

The crisp sound of fire caused me to shake my head. Even if this is hell, I don't see any devil around me. Maybe I can escape?

I got on my knees and stood up slowly. I realised I was naked, and my body was red. I still had my boobs and lacked a dick, so I guess I came to hell as a girl?

I staggered forward, grabbing the pillar that was melting. It didn't hurt like how I expected it to hurt.

After staggering forward some more, I walked out… hell? No, that's not hell. That's my brothel!!

It may have been hell for many men, but for me this was heaven. And my heaven is on fire!


Standing far away from the burning building, I breathed heavily and noticed my red body slowly returning to normal.

Could it be…?

Closing my eyes, I tried to feel any life inside me other than myself, and I luckily found none. From what I can tell, I sucked in both Roshi and Son Goku, and because of Son Goku, the magma punch that Roshi landed on me was rendered useless since my whole body turned to magma too. I confirmed this by slashing my wrist with a sharp rock, which caused it to split open and show the burning lava under my skin, which closed immediately. Tailed beast healing factor, yay.

Meaning, I am now a Magma Logia user, eh? Not bad.


I stared at the burning building, it was a 5 story building before but it had now collapsed to the ground.

"I guess Shizuka died, huh."

Kinda sad. I had some plans for her…

Rubbing my temples, I turned my head around to find a mirror resting on the ground beside me, possibly flung from the building by the explosion that destroyed it.

In the mirror, my shining red eyes were staring at my face, at my tear masked cheeks. And my red eyes where 3 tomoes were supposed to be, a strange mark was present, the mark of Mangekyo Sharingan.

“…Eh, I guess I liked Shizuka a lot. More than I thought, huh.”

That night I stared at the burning building. I was sad, indeed, but at one point, I was done planning on how exactly I would take over the world.

This is the story of Izumi Uchiha, aka me. Who once upon a time became the strongest being in the Naruto Universe.




Author’s Note: Got a fever, cold, and as a side effect, a killing headache. Didn’t think I’d be able to write chapters for RAS or CG since I have to seriously think some stuff, SO, I wrote a weird genderbent One-Shot of 4k words. 🤣 How do you like it? Or do you like it at all?



With all this cursing and man at the end her talk, She must be a nigger in her first life🤣🤣


You used succubus abilities(charm/life drain) as model in both stories, what will be the third story mc based on 🤔


I only write One Shots when I am bored, and the power idea comes to my mind right then