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Hey guys, I will be gone for a few days to take care of some business stuff for my parents and I am burned out a bit after the whole year with studying and work so I will try to rest also ❤️ Hope you understand and I will be back soon with more content for everyone to enjoy.


Jimmy Smith

Oh no no no no no no, you just take your sweet time no rush it’s A-OK 👌!

Jimmy Smith

I feared you were gonna tell everybody you were ill or some such. But hope you’re well and healthy and happy 😊


I'm glad you are putting your mental health and family first, gotta take care of you. We will be here when you get back


Take it easy magic magy

Prince Vegeta

We understand that Magy, don't worry. Please, rest well and take Care of yourself and stay Healthy.

Lee Rose

Completely understand. Help your parents with the business stuff, but make sure you take the the time for rest and relaxation too, you deserve it. Take care Magy.

Anthony Hannah

Just take it easy Magy and make sure to get some much needed rest time. Stay healthy as always Magy. ❤️❤️


take care about you and family

Sergio Moreno

It’s okay I completely understand Magy

Doug Watson

Hey Magy, you take care of you ok.