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The Matrix Reloaded Full Reaction

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Anders Pettersson

Can i give just a small amount of movies i think you might like, Shawshank redemption, green mile, Lord of the rings trilogy, and two hard ones Schindler's list and American history X

Noah Thurman

All of these are great suggestions, especially Shawshank and the green mile!

Walter Alcaraz

If you do watch the LotR trilogy, try to get the extended versions. Each one adds about 50 min to 1 hour of detailed footage. For example, Fellowship of the Ring is 178 min theatrical, but 238 min extended. Two Towers is 179 min theatrical, but 235 min extended. Return of the King is 201 min theatrical, but 263 min extended.

Basil Tarasov

Maybe Magy even consider to watch Hobbit first before LOTR, will be quite unique experience, emotionally and storytelling will be epic overall, and she will end on a high note. Aussie Dillon done it, worked great for him. And storytelling will be great for Magy understanding.

Lamberto Limon

The worst thing about this trilogy besides the points I made from the first Matrix movie which are the humans as an energy source and the matrix to keep them under their control, is that the completed the hero’s journey in the first Matrix instead of following that journey throughout all three films. They pretty much made Neo evolve into God Form an indestructible character that makes you not want to root for him. This movie dives into determinism. That doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will. Some philosophers have taken determinism to imply that individual human beings have no free will and cannot be held morally responsible for their actions. So instead of allowing the us the audience to see Neo perform an action and see the effects that come from his action. Cause and Effect. Will are told 5 different times by different characters that we don’t have choices that everything has already been determined. When Neo meets with “The Architect” he tells Neo that his 5 previous versions where designed to have logic in the sense that they would save human race instead of Trinity. But that the current version of Neo or as we found out Neo 6.0 is designed to feel love more intensely which would lead us to know that he was determined to save Trinity over the human race. Also the part I hated the most which again reiterates the reason why it’s a poor move by AI’s to use humans as an energy source. Since “The Architect” tells him that he has been determined to save Trinity which then will cause the destruction of the human race. Neo tells “The Architect” then your race will die as well since if the human race is destroyed that they wouldn’t have an energy source to survive. Then “The Architect” tells him it doesn’t matter if the humans are destroyed that they have other energy sources that they can use to stay alive. Which again brings me to my point why the f*** would you use the humans in the first place if you don’t need them. I hate this trilogy so much I can’t believe anyone likes these movie beside the action scenes they are trash. You should watch Equilibrium which I know many people have recommended also Minority Report. Also The Twilight Zone the original run of the series between 1959 and 1964 but maybe when you finish another series since there’s a lot of episodes along with Black Mirror series. (**Disclaimer** I know I may get flak for this but it’s my opinion. Also The White Knights in these comments have to clam down.) I also know many people are recommending you to watch lord of the rings but it’s honestly beside the great wars it’s extremely boring its 9 hours of your life you will never get back or 11 hours if you watch the extended. And The Hobbit as well I would suggest to avoid it but it’s up to you. Either way I’m glad you like “The Matrix” franchise the last time I liked this franchise is when I was a 11 and I didn’t understand the story then and all I cared about was the action scenes.

Francisco Valentin

Love the reactions I'm just sad I can barely hear what your reacting to.....


Dude, dial it back. Let her enjoy this shit like we did man.