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Lucifer 1x3.mp4


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Would Be Prince of Darkness- Thank you so much for a new reaction for Lucifer! I enjoy this episode a lot too. The overall case is good, but like always... the characters are what make me love this episode and the entire series. The cases and the bad guys may seem simple and easy for us to determine who might be the killer some of the time, if not most of the time. However, this show is most certainly all about these characters and their developments. Especially the development between Lucifer and Chloe, as well as Lucifer, Amenadiel, and Maze while they spend their time here on Earth among humans, which is out of each of their elements. The characters are why this show is loved by so many fans. First... I absolutely love the very beginning scene where we see Lucifer tempting the girl in the blue dress to jump. This scene is a phenomenal misdirect meant to throw us off and make us worried that maybe Lucifer really is the Devil that the world believes the Devil to be. The Devil is known to be the king of temptations. However, within seconds we are shown that there is a pool down below, proving that Lucifer isn't in fact encouraging her to kill herself like a devil from any other show or movie where the devil is one of its characters, would do. Showing us that Lucifer in this show does enjoy tempting people to commit sometimes nefarious acts, but not evil ones and that he himself is not evil. It's a brilliant opening to an episode, and I love it! :) Now... I absolutely love how Chloe is continuing to look into Lucifer to try to figure out how Lucifer does all his weirdness she's witnessed from him. The scene between her and Trixie is adorable. I love how Chloe is upfront with her daughter about why she's looking into Lucifer, and I love how Trixie asks her mother if Lucifer is a magician. So cute!! My favorite moment comes in the ending, when Lucifer suddenly becomes the Devil within him when the agent cruelly talks about having killed the innocent woman just to get her phone away from her. I love seeing the darkness in his eyes as he's starring coldly at the killer, then how he suddenly thrusts the agent through the glass wall beside them like he weighs nothing at all. But more so... I love how Chloe is able to talk Lucifer down and bring the good in him back out once she calms him. Chloe can snap Lucifer out of his anger induced like trance like no one else can. And this moment for Lucifer really shows that he truly does care about the humans, when the Devil wouldn't as far as the world sees the Devil to be. It's phenomenal acting from Tom Ellis, and phenomenal writing for such a character. And I love it!! I also love how hard Lucifer works to prove that Ty is innocent, and as we learn throughout the episode, Lucifer definitely feels guilty for butting into this young man's life and getting him into such deep trouble. Especially since because if he hadn't have, then the young woman wouldn't have been killed. And you can see as such in the end when Joe begins talking cruelly about Ali, which is why Lucifer becomes so angry at him and shoves him through the glass wall. And thanks to Linda, his therapist... Lucifer, while he denies it out loud of course, comes to realize that he's begun to love getting justice for the innocents, while still appreciating being able to punish those who are evil. He also tells Linda in the end that he appreciates being able to punish the evil by his own terms now that he's continued to rebel against God upon choosing to stay here on Earth, and not because his father is forcing him into punishing the evil in the world he was once forced into any longer. And this is very important for his character. This show is all about Lucifer trying to find himself as he strives to become who he truly wants to be by his own terms, and not who he's been forced to become, or who mankind expects him to be. I really love this about this show. And I really appreciate its perspective on why Lucifer is possibly so drawn to helping the innocent and only punishing the bad, given that Lucifer has always only ever punished the evil people while ruling over Hell since only the evil souls are taken to Hell upon their deaths. It's great! Next... I am loving the scenes between Lucifer and Linda while he continues to go to therapy. It's silly because he sleeps with her, in spite of them sleeping together being unethical. However, I absolutely love how she also continues to help him understand his dilemmas, while also helping him to figure out the sides of him he doesn't really understand. Therapy is a really clever way I think, to help Lucifer find himself. And these scenes between these two characters are just always done very well. And lastly... I also really love the side storyline with Lucifer discovering someone has been impersonating him and ruining the "Lucifer brand" as he calls it. I love how Lucifer allows himself to once again show the darkness inside of him when he goes to punish the impersonator, only to become snapped out of his trance yet again when Maze cruelly states that seeing him punish this kid is like Lucifer punishing himself. I don't think she meant to be cruel, but you can see on Lucifer's face that her words actually hurt him a little, and I like this. I like it, because it gives reason for why he suddenly stops himself for falling back into his own darkness. Lucifer sees himself as evil and yet he doesn't want to be, and he quickly comes to realize that the kid doesn't deserve to be punished so brutally like he initially wanted. His anger on him was most certainly displaced because he was angry that Ty was being punished for the cruel act committed by the real killer. His anger towards the impersonator and the humor Lucifer brings out throughout this storyline is hilarious, and it's another reason I love Tom Ellis in this role. He's phenomenal at going from being funny, to sad, to afraid, and to angry, etc... at the drop of a hat, and his emotions can change very quickly. I absolutely love it!! I really love how childlike Lucifer really is when it comes to him trying to understand all of these new feelings he's never felt before until he came to live here on Earth. Even his pain, fear, and anger, all of which I suspect are feelings that he has definitely felt before, but doesn't really understand. It's all really brilliant, because this characteristic in Lucifer makes for such an intriguing character whom I love very much. And his humor certainly adds further to it too. :) Oh... and in answer to your confusion over Lucifer telling Chloe he doesn't recognize anyone at the party within the photo... Lucifer never lied to Chloe about not recognizing Ally... the girl in the red dress. Chloe was asking him if he recognized anyone else other than the girl in the red dress because she had been the one who was killed and Chloe knows Lucifer already knew the girl because he had told her that he introduced her to Ty the night before, before she had been killed. Overall... I really enjoy this episode. It's fun and cleverly written. The storyline with the football player, his girlfriend, and his agent is fun, and seeing Lucifer continuing to try to understand humanity and their emotions is phenomenal. I also love the continued dynamic between Lucifer and Chloe while he works hard to keep with her on her cases in spite of his weirdness. Thank you so much! I am so happy you're growing to love this show more and more with every episode! It's a phenomenal show!!! I can't wait for more like always!!! So until your next reaction for Lucifer...