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BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEDlG-AzPJw

I'm sorry for the delay in the 'Thanks Drawing'  this month, but as always: thank you for supporting me again this past month! 

I'll upload more stuff when my internet is working better. 

Since I moved, my internet connection hasn't been the best. So I can't upload big files yet :(( Hope you understand! And sorry for the lack of drawings ;; 

Oh, btw, I'm uploading Inktober day by day here: FanPage

And here: Instagram

By the end of October, I'll upload a zip with everything in better resolution though! '' 

Reference Kirby's Calendar



Gran Llamaha Nortina

Me encantan tus ilustraciones * - * . Tienen algo que genera felicidad :P Espero que se arregle tu problema con el Internet c: Saludos!


Muchas gracias!! :D me alegra mucho que lo sientas así ☆ ☆ Sí! ya pronto se arreglará, espero C: Saludos igualmente!