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Hi Patrons ! 

Hope you're having a great day so far ^ ^

Do you remember when I used to do polls? haha 

I'm sorry, this has been a weird year and I didn't seem to keep up with everything ╥﹏╥

I'm glad of many things though! I'm finally established in a comfy home and little by little I'm understanding my work process and this has helped me to finish pending work and a chance to finish everything I wanted to draw. Just super slow haha 

So finally here's the winner for January Poll from this year!

The Elf from Dragon's Crown, hope you like my take on her! ♡♡♡

(I still owe the Weiss Schnee, so I'll try to finish her very soon so I can keep up working on new polls!)

And as always I'll upload the psd and the video process of her too!

Thank you so much for voting and for your support during this difficult year!

I really reaaally hope you like it! ♡




Elf was my favorite character from that game. I really liked her design with the cape and the boots.

Geoffroy M.

She's really cute, I love her! 🥰