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Hello Patrons! 

I hope you're having a great week so far !

Mine hasn't been to good, I've been very slow at drawing (;へ:)

 I wish I wasn't so sensitive with everything, but I think this crisis my country is going through is affecting me tremendously :(  I'm really sorry for the delays with some pending rewards  ╥﹏╥

Hopefully everything can be solved soon !

Anyway,  I had this idea for a long time since a finish one of the Muramasa's DLC  "A Spirited Seven Nights' Haunting"

A white snake in oni form, 

I hope you like it!  ♡´·ᴗ·`♡

It's been a long time since I did an original oni haha 



Geoffroy M.

Amazing piece. Beautiful! 😮 She has a lot of shading on her skin, amazing eyes and lips. You continue to improve your skills with each illustration. Great job. ^^


I'm from the United States so I don't completely understand everything that is happening in Chile, but I follow another artist who is from there and she is also disturbed by what is happening there. Please take care. Espero que todo mejore pronto.


AAaaw Thank you so much Geoffroy! I'm so happy with your nice comments about this drawing and for your support towards my art (´∀`)♡ I really appreciate it!


Thank you so much Nanami, that's very kind of you (;へ:)♡ I really hope that everything gets better soon too! Thank you so so much!