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Hello dear patrons, I hope you had a great start of the month!

I just wanted to make a little post to talk a little with you guys, specially I wanted to apologize for the delayed responses and the lack of content of my Patreon Page these past months. Actually, I think I have been like this since October from last year.

I wasn't going through a good phase of my life that started in the middle of 2018, but somehow I couldn't manage the situation and it started to affect my work and progress later on. It was like I was in a constant rollercoaster of emotions haha I thought of closing my Patreon too as I wasn't able to continue with the ideas I had in mind for it, and I was delaying rewards too much ;_; but I somehow didn't want to give up. I'm just so grateful with the support you guys give to me, and I now I'm always apologizing for everything, but I really think I should do this once more because I haven't been myself for a while now, and I'm so sorry for the delays with messages, rewards and polls. I just wanted you to know, I'm aware I have to change this behavior in order to achieve my goals and I can't let these feelings take control of my life and dreams! So I'm not giving up to myself, because I really want to believe in me as you do! 

I just hope you can be patient with me a little longer while I recover from these anxious feelings, and I hope I don't take too much time (I'm still working and drawing, please don't worry about that!  ( ◠ ◡ ◠ ) hehe) 

I'm also going on vacation in two months from now, so hopefully this would help me a little too! But I'm definitely planning having all set for this date though, and it would be fun if I could share my vacation with you on Patreon lenses and posts too! 

I don't want to make this too long, but thank you again for everything guys, for reading this and for your support! I can't wait to give you my 100% again ; ; 

As always if you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to message me, I may take little while to respond since I left a queue build up ; _ ; But I'm about to start answering all the pending messages with the pending rewards too! 

Thank you so much!  ♡




Hi Cat! Sorry to hear about the trouble. It's important you can take care of yourself. So if you need some time to think about things and come up with the best decision, then that's perfectly understandable. Thanks for sharing your feelings and keeping everyone updated. Your work and upbeat attitude is worth it in my opinion. Hope you feel better soon!

The Lord Plays

Ya know I love you too much to be upset in any way, Cat :)