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Holiday stuff last week took a lot of my energy and time, sorry for no updates :(

Here's some for this week tho:

- Maria/Mikaela is getting close to the final scenes, 5/7 done

- Yui/Zarina is 95% done, we are just adding the last details which were forgotten during all this time, here's a gif of the double squirt part xD

- a couple small projects I started for fun, one of them with Zarina's upcoming shorts skin, one with Feng's lunar new year dress and one with Mikaela. These will be just simple renders to show some outfits which I really like, nothing too special but should be good between bigger posts

- Amanda model rework! well not really rework since until now I was using her dbd model which does not have an actual face... but recently watched the Saw movies and that sparked my motivation to finish her face model (still a work-in-progress, but I'm pretty happy with it so far). Keep in mind this is still relatively new to me, sculpting the face in blender, I only did this for Nancy which already had a face model. For Amanda I had to start from scratch which makes it a lot harder, but its a fun experience tbh, I've used some assets from Nea and Zarina so its good that the result so far doesn't look too much like either of them xD

The good thing is now with the holiday time over, I can go back to a more regular schedule so hopefully you'll notice it in the upcoming days/weeks. Last months I didn't post as much as I wanted to, so because of that I made one of my 2024 resolutions to post at least one animation per month!

Now for the Kate Christmas pics, if you didn't see these on twitter or reddit, here's my renders for the artists secret santa event,  I got to do pics for Stonez___ and made the Kate renders attached below (4 variations). Sucks that the dress was very annoying to pose so I couldn't get a second scene done in time :\ but the event was a lot of fun, you can check everyone's renders/drawings, using #wnwsecretsanta23 on twitter (I got very lucky and received the most amazing tied-up Zarina art ever :p)



Mr Egg

Miku holed