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(i know its tuesday xD shhh)

Couple of pics/gifs from the comms I'm working on and which are close to being done (I have others too but those will take more until they're done so expect info about them in future weeks):

- Lisa/Meg pretty much done, should be out today or tomorrow (one scene only)

- Zarina/Meg animation needs sound and rendering at 4k, so hopefully thats done this week too?

- Feng/Wraith animation needs 10-15 seconds (the ending) and then sound, so that will come probably in 1-2 weeks and it will be around 50 seconds long (and it will have also a Zarina version because I love how it turned out xD)

- and a bunch (7) of Claudette pics (finally) with variants for skull merchant (in case anyone likes her)

As for other stuff, YunJin/Myers is rendering but I didn't take any gifs from it :\ And I also want to do something with Xenomorph since that is coming out today on the PTB, so probably some Xenomorph/Zarina will come out soon too xD




Yes, love Claudette and Lisa work


that meg x zarina gif is so fkin hot!