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Good afternoon everybody! I apologize for being away for so long.

Anyway, I'm bringing something new here, I've wanted to work with other franchises for a while and nothing fairer than starting with Lara Croft!

LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ynTYoOEDFgLmEVwWy1JOwos21zfD5z_f?usp=share_link

Well, there are two reasons for my absence: I was in a creative crisis =X Although I have several projects in progress, I kind of got stuck, I couldn't continue. Regarding using new characters, I had thought of a CastingCouch concept, I would start with Lara and then do it with several other characters, I was inspired by Bokuman, check out his art, it's fantastic! But I ended up discarding this project, maybe one day I'll use it in the future, but not now.

The second reason is because I'm venturing into Daz. As you can see, the hair of the male models are all different, they were all imported from Daz and now they are not all exact clones XD. I intend to get more hair, clothes and maybe models too! Another thing, I want to learn how to work with morphs. If I succeed, maybe I can give them other faces, and thus improve my work even more.

Finally, thank you all for your patience, I hope you like this work with Lara and I promise to make it up to you this week, tomorrow I'll post another set from the DAP Series and on Thursday some Wips.





Daz will definitely help create more variety with the male characters. Good luck with it! Lara is looking great :D


Thank you very much!!! I also downloaded content for the girls, but the clothes are difficult to put on. At least the hairs are easier. When I can, I would like to incorporate more latex pieces into the Piercings & Tattoos set.