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Good evening everyone!

I apologize for the absence these last few days, I thought I would be able to finish the last set of Junker Queen before the end of the month, but not only could I not finish it, but I will have to divide it into amis of one part. Here is part 3.1:


One of the setbacks I had was a huge lack of luck. I'm saving money to buy a new video card, but before I can do that, I decided to increase the computer's memory from 16Gb to 32Gb. I found a promotion and bought two 8Gbs memories, but they didn't work. I don't understand much about computers and yesterday and today I was doing several tests and looking for alternatives on the internet and with friends, but unfortunately the conclusion we reached is that the memory came with a defect, I will have to change it. Well, I thought it fair to clarify this with you, because without you I wouldn't have been able to buy these two memories. I hope to be able to exchange them as soon as possible to bring more quality and speed to my art!





Praise the Queen!