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Good afternoon everyone!

LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EkEuCpx8fkNCmhvrsr2v6HxeRowqOPEE?usp=sharing

I apologize for my absence this past week, I was stuck with some renderings and I had to solve some personal problems, so I didn't have time to work in Blender like I used to, but luckily things are back to normal.

Anyway, I finished the images I said I would do at the request of supporter Haymaker. However, as I said, some poses I had dismantled, so I had to recreate them, so it may be that not all of them are exactly the same as the old poses. Because of these changes, I re-rendered the Blacked version to be more consistent with the Bleached version. You will still be able to access the old poses through the Mega Link, and the new poses through the Drive Link.

To make up for my absence, I rendered bonus images, including new poses, which turned out to be a whole new set. Because of that, I'll post half today and half tomorrow/Wednesday.





Awesome work man. Truly appreciate the extra work you had to put into this.