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Good evening everyone! Guys, I apologize for my absence these past few days. Hope you guys had a good Christmas and New Year's Eve, even though I'm wishing it late. The fact is that just before Christmas, I ended up losing a very close relative to a surgical procedure that didn't work, and a few days after the funeral my family and I took covid-19. We spent New Year's Eve isolated and had to cancel the supper and trip we had planned (obviously that was the least of the worst). I'm still sick, but luckily I'm getting better. Fortunately, none of my family has had to be hospitalized and we are taking proper care as well as isolation. I don't want to talk about politics, but it all started because of some relatives who didn't take the necessary care and decided to adhere to that anti-vaccination speech, not getting vaccinated and ended up passing the virus on to us. I imagine that if my family and I hadn't received the vaccine our situation would have been worse. Sorry to be talking about these things, as this is not the place for this, but I feel grateful to those who support me and feel a duty to clarify.

Anyway, I hope you are all ok! Tomorrow I imagine I'll be able to get back to work, so I hope to post something later this week (probably from Brigitte, as I was focusing on her after I discovered the shape-keys).

I wish you all a great 2022!


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