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*The Next Morning* Shay: *snacking on some fruit* "Another beautiful day in Paradise, huh Angelfish?" Angelfish: *nibbling on some fruit while watching Shay intently* "Hmmm? Oh...yeah." Shay: "So--" *takes another bite* "--we should probably explore a bit. Maybe...hmmm..." *watches Angelfish suddenly begin disrobing* "...Angelfish, I'm not complaining, but what are you--?" Angelfish: "I want to go skinny-dipping. With you. Now." Shay: "Um...that's...again, I'm definitely not complaining but--" Angelfish: *points at fruit* "There is definitely more than the taste of red wine in those things." Shay: "Hm...that's...starting to realise that, yes." Angelfish: "Figure that out later, get naked now?" *turns and runs towards the water* Shay: *darts after them, tugging his tunic over his head* "You know what, that's a great plan, that's the best plan--" Nix: *in the Heavens* "See, Leo? The mortals like it!" Leo: *glowering at Nix*