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This can be anything from an explanation of a side character from mentions in a vid, world building, explaining an event via a new character, or a new story to show another aspect of my worlds entirely. This can be from my characters to new characters ideas that would fit a certain video plot of your desired worldbuilding. The king of the sanctuary, the elves of grestinfell, the abyss and the feywild, things like that for some inspiration. Can’t wait to see what y’all come up with!



I think you only mentioned this character in a couple videos but since we have Theodore’s story, I think it would be awesome to have his older brother Hammond’s story! Maybe more akin to Thresh’s story where the listener meets him and they find a way to break out or team up?


Maybe give Logan or Shane there own listener? Maybe Logan and listener meet at collage. Shane and his listener can meet at bootcamp.