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Are you prideful yet have the heart of a leader and the ability to guild like Rex 🧡 are you wonderstruck, but have the drive to find happiness in all around you like Bek ❤️ are you adventurous and energetic while desiring a life fun and fulfillment like Daz 💛 are you curious and cautious, but like to help others and learn more about people and the world around you like Kel 💙 are you inquisitive and have the drive and capacity to learn and gather knowledge like Leo 💚 are you a fan of romance and love, while learning about who you truly are like Nix 💗 or are you one who sings songs of woe and are most comfortable in solitude like Vox💜…..

These are grosss generalizations of each, but the archetype remains… who would you think you get along best with or who would you like to meet irl?



After a lot of thought and based on my ennigram number I say I’m a Kel with wings of Bek and Leo


I’d probably get along best with kel or vox with bek and Leo a close third and fourth