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It’s doesn’t have to be humanoid, but it’s something that might pan over good as a humanoid man…. I kinda need some art inspo!



Well, here in Jersey we have the Jersey devil which I've met, don't ask, long story, but we're good friends now! But you already did a demon. And at the facility I work at we have Nurse Nancy who hung herself in the basement. The building I work in is very old, from the 1800s, it's been an infirmary, a morgue, and a small hospital and now it's ours, and some people said they've seen and heard things but she never bothers me cause Archangel Michael and I are very close! That's a long story too! After a certain situation, I seem to attract some things and see things, no, I'm not crazy and that is definitely a long story. I'm sure you'll come up with something, with that great mind and creativity of yours!


*Warning don’t read the next part if you are easy disturbed or really like horses* There is a thing called the helhorse or in danish “helhest” that is very interesting because that it is a 3 legged horse and the thing is that we say it’s a bad-omen too see one because it is associated with death and sickness, but what I remember reading is that it is probably from before 19th when a new graveyard was needed horse was buried alive. The horse will become the horse of Hel from the north mythology and she will ride it to the final battle... Ragnarök. *Can read again* North mythology is so cool and have a lot off creatures to choose from, and if you don’t wanna read about them, then there are a lot off podcast out there with mythology creatures, not just from north mythology but more, like the the kraken, Finris, giants, dragons and Medusa(I actually have a great story idea for a Medusa one, like a “Gorgon x blind listener”^^’) Hope that helps a little and sorry for the warning thing, but if I need to remove the thing, just say the word and I will^^’