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Hi every one! thank you so much for all your support, motivation and constructive criticism. 

I actually started building this game before "Zelda's After Party". Both this work and "Zelda's After Party" where also made, to test out and learn some game design elements, coding and animation, that will help me create my next work "Love Beat Rythm" I can't wait to reveal more and tell you all about it, I'll be starting on the art style to reveal some pics soon in my WIP update.

Thanks again every one for all the support and being super helpful and awesome!


Creambee - DQBL.rar

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does not download right plz halp


Love the game. One thing that would make it play a bit more smoothly would be to bind the arrow keys or wasd to dodge and attack instead of the mouse. Or at least add the option.


yes, you're correct sir, I have tested key functions out and I will be binding keys in the next game :D I'm glad you enjoy the game


Sweet, great work. Your games are top notch.


Ok, I played your game :). There are many things to say x). The following comment is only my point of view about the game design, of course (and sorry for my english). Personally, I found the game too difficult, especially at the start: the error margin is too low and, despite the hint, I needed several attempts to understand when attacking and parrying. But after learning the enemy's pattern, it was much better. In more detail: - As I said, the "time to act" is too short, mainly at the beginning of the game when the player learns to play. This speed (1 second ?) can be understandable after the player knows how to play or at an higher difficulty. But at the beginning, it's very hard. In addition, the control with the mouse doesn't help to be reactive in this game. - Dark Queen attacks are difficult to read at first, before understanding how it works after a number of defeats (despite the hint). For example, the green aura in her hand does not change colors or shapes when she is loading an attack: It's the same state as when she is idling. In my opinion, it would be more readable (and a better effect) if the green aura could change between the "idle" mode and the "attack loading" mode. - I find it a bit frustrating that she heals herself. Fortunately, we can counter-attack while she is healing ... except against her second form. On the other hand, there may be a bug with that heal: It's not uncommon for me to see her animation without her being really healed. - I have no problem for the ennemy's HP bar being 3x or 4x longer than mine. But every time she loses one of her bars (and a part of her outfit) her behavior doesn't really change... when this is the right time to have a bigger challenge or a different pattern (or an harder version of a specific attack ?). The only change I've seen is when I face the second form of the Dark Queen: an extra attack and an additional HP bar. That's it. Enduring the same enemy for 2 or 3 minutes is a bit long. - There was a bug with my SWF Player: the game is launched directly, without the introduction part (without selecting the skin and the player's name). Basically, my application doesn't pause on the first frame. In short, the game itself is not bad, but there are few elements that can be improved, especially about the difficulty curve and the progression of the game. However, I thank you for putting a checkpoint between the two forms of the Dark Queen, and to allow players to replay erotic scenes at the end :). I do not know many games that do that.


I was going to comment much of the same stuff related to healing and difficulty reading attacks. I'd also like to say that the game feels way harder on a trackpad and I couldn't get anywhere without digging out a mouse. Also could there be a password function added in, so we can jump to the smut after beating it once?


HI! thank you for such for a thought out response! I must say for English as your second language you certainly express yourself well and kindly. Yes I understand all your points, this was my first attempt at this kind of game and the timing and animation proved to be difficult. with the feedback from Dark Queen and Zelda I'll be making a new game that I believe will be simpler and more fun but still have a level of challenge that immerses you into the game. I wanted the queen to be difficult and for the player to be a little frustrated so that when you finally beat her you can take out your aggression out on her... haha. but yes, I see your point. I wish I could tell you about the new game in development now so you can see where I'm improving and changing, but I feel I must have some animation and pictures to show first. Thank you again for the feedback everyone! I'll be putting out another version of this game soon with a hidden button to skip playing the game twice to get to the smut.


I understand your point of view :). The problem is not the difficulty of the game. If we don't take into account bugs, if you want to improve your game, you need to work the "difficulty curve" (for this type of game): - Always start small. The player wants to learn to play in the first minute before having a real challenge. Don't take into account your own experience with your game to set the difficulty (spoiler: it's biased :p). - Offer different challenges or patterns, even if there is a small variation between them. For example, at the begin, the Dark Queen can only use her "one ball attack" with a large error margin (like 2 seconds). After the player defeats her first HP bar, the Dark Queen can use her second skill - the "double balls attack". After her second HP bar, she will use her skills more quickly (1.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds). Ans so on, with new skills (or improved version of previous skills) and faster. - Dark Queen can heal herself, which can be a bit frustrating IF AND ONLY IF the player can't do anything about it. In your game, this works with her first form: the player can attack while she is healing, canceling her skill. But this tactic doesn't works with her second form, which is bad. To reassure you, you are not the only person to make those mistakes: I have already made those mistakes in my previous projects. Moreover, this is REALLY hard to find the perfect balance in a game. About the "hidden button": be careful, this is easy to find hidden buttons in a flash game. You can use a password system instead. Good luck for your next project :).


link dead!


OK, it has been re-uploaded now. Also I would like to say thank you so much for your support, I'll be posting an update soon on how things are coming with the new game. (I promise it will be much better than this one)