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Hi everyone!

I just felt the need to mention a few things. As you know I base alot of my animated work off of exsisting things, naturally that is what rule34 is. However some aspects of my work are not as obvious in their origin. I really don't want to come of as deceptive, so I'll mention here a few things that might not be so obvious.

-Princess Peaches pose in Summer Pipe Work is Shantea's upper body pose and smile. The eyes and other mouth expressions are Peach's from the promotional art.

-The next piece of work will be based off of artist Garabatoz art style on his portayal of Princess Peach and Marceline.



Speaking of Shantae will you make a game with her and her friends ?


Oh god, I so want to, but I've never played any Wayforward Technologies games, I'm thinking I'll have a look into their games first to get some ideas for characters and sexy situations that would make sense.