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HI everyone! I'm almost finished with Maki Oze and Sam 'Samsung' is close behind.
I wanted to talk about 2 things...

1. Maki Oze and Sam will be released before the end of this month
2. Should I be more 'active' on patreon/discord/etc.

1. I was going to release Maki Oze now-ish but it turns out, Aika wasn't as good at animating lip sync for moaning and breathing. She did a great job for all the dialogue in the animation but I had to go over all sex loop moaning and orgasm animation and put in about 80% more work. Which I just finished, that took up a full day extra. It's morning and I'm currently running on zero sleep now haha 🥴

Anyhow it's currently looking like Maki Oze and Sam will be both released before the end of this month 💖

So the plan is, finish the thank you page for Maki Oze and share it as a v0.9 just to test for bugs first, then release it for all of you soon after.

While Maki Oze is being tested for bugs, I'll finish up Sam and submit both for everyone here before the end of the month.

I gotta admit, I'm feeling pretty good about these faster pace releases when it comes to Creambee Shorts. It's refreshing for me creatively and I'll be getting back into halloweEnGIRL feeling, well, refreshed haha.


Should I be more active, and how?

I love what I do and I work full time on these interactive animations. If I don't post on Patreon it's because I'm hard at work, but I can appreciate that it may seem that I'm missing in action. Truth is, as supporters, you deserve to know that not only am I thankful for your assistance and support but also that I'm hard at work.
The irony is, the second I take the time to write and tell you I'm hard at work, I'm technically not working on the animations/games haha

I've been getting the impression that some supporters would like me to be more 'active' on patreon, but I'm afraid I don't fully know what that means.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, I'm all ears 😊
I can definitely make more suggestions and votes for new characters and sex positions/ situations in the near future. I didn't for Sam because Mac had just joined us as it was originally just going to be a still image to test his skills out.

Remember for those who aren't on discord, that there's also the Honey-Flow channel where I post images and screen recordings of game/animation testing so you can stay up with progress.

I've been thinking for a while now, maybe I should start recording my voice while screen sharing work and post that as a video on patreon every so often, showing progress in the making? No editing or anything, I can't spend much time on those things because that would be besides the point, but I guess technically I'd also be working at the same time...🤷

If anyone has any ideas they would like to share I'd love to know your thoughts...




CB you just keep doing you. We all love you and you just keep doing what we do. We got coffeebai


Just do whatever works


Ik what people mean when they say "more active". They want more posts/polls/general activity from you to sometimes justify their paid subscription. I support 3 people (one of them being you) and one of these people post videos almost weekly. They give out regular polls for what their supporters want and sometimes even do live streams of their work/hobbies. I don't expect that from artists because they cannot really livestream their work if they work with a team and cannot regularly post because things change like animators getting new jobs or people not being flawless at the jobs; like with the lip sync (though I'm sure I couldn't do near as good as she did so sorry if it sounds like I bashed her; it was not intended) you just keep doing what you are doing, but I also wrote out this long ass thing to express what others may be expecting. I personally think that how you currently post is fine, especially because you can't really control when these things get launched/finished. Can't wait for the Sam short tho!


I think how things have been done so far has been just fine, as long as you're happy and healthy I think we can put up with radio silence for a bit


Glad you're reaching out. Tbh I thought you were fairly active as far as things go, but whatever works for you will work best for your creative way. Love your work, keep it up!


As long as you toss out a, "Hey, I'm still alive." once every one or two months I'll be totally content. More time you can spend on these marvels of cooming. To be honest I avoid the progress updates cause I want it to be a totally fresh experience when the 1.0 happens.


As for me, you are active enough. Frequent updates on discord are fine.


AW! thanks marc, you're a real gem💎 that's really sweet of you to say.


Thank you! That's actually similar to my own personal approach: "try to avoid doing whatever doesn't work" ❤️


This, is really helpful. Thank Dr.Kimi, I see where you're coming from, as a creator I have a different perspective towards the work and I have to remind myself that I'm also trying to provide a nice experience as well. I'm going to start focusing on "suggestion posts" and "voting polls" more, plus if other creators can put up videos of them working, so can I. I'll look into it :D


gained some covid weight but I'm happy and healthy, 😂 I really appreciate that Skittles thank you so much. I too hope you're happy healthy 💖


Thank you Dan! That means a lot 😄 "Creative" is the key word for me, and I think I'm the most creative when I steal your ideas haha, just kidding, When I hold suggestion posts and voting polls it helps me gather the ideas that you all want to share and it really does get my creative juices flowing. Thanks again.


Hi, I'm still alive! 😁 Thanks BeefTank it's always a pleasure to hear from you. That's cool that you avoid the work in progress, I like surprises too. I think in my mind I don't want to clutter this patreon page with a lot of little "Just sayin' hi" posts, but I think me putting more effort into suggestion posts and voting polls is a good move based on the current feed back I've been getting.


I mean it's truth you hired someone to interact with us and she or he is awesome. You are also awesome. But leading projects is a huge responsibility. You've been doing perfectly. At least in my book. And I appreciate all effort you and everyone on your team already puts in.


Hey Rycoge, that's pretty sweet to know. I really appreciate how chill you are 🥰 Sometimes I post one very couple days and sometimes almost a week, but I'll try harder to be more consistent.


In hindsight I do love that you always reply, that's a huge plus for me. The polls and suggestions are great too. One of these days my suggestion for a girl will win and I will have played a small role in helping thousands cum, truly wonderful.


Hey CreamBee, I may be late to this post, but I wanted to give you my input. From my end, I think you are doing just fine with the updates. Given the type of content that you do, I can see why you don’t post on a weekly basis, and I would rather be surprised by the end product once it comes out. Honestly, simply letting us know that you are still working on them every 1-2 months is good enough for me. Keep up the great work!


Wow that's really chill and supportive of you Chaka, thank you very much. I appreciate that a lot; the approach of stepping back and letting the artist work.