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In the last post I received a lot of interesting and helpful feedback.

In summary:
Aika and I are currently building animations for Kaijuicy's first sex scenes. When we finish at least one sex scene, for variety, we want to build/add something new. 

After going over all your comments, I put together that:
A lot of you would like to add a penetrative sex scene to HalloweEnGIRL.
A lot of you would like to see something new in a cross platform build.
As for BTS a lot of you felt it's best to focus on something new, so I feel it's best to move on for now. I do know people have suggested BTS boob job and gang bang but we can still take those ideas and put them into the other games. For example, I am working on a Boob job for Kaijuicy now and if we go with adding a sex scene to HalloweEnGIRL we can make it a gangbang. Still, I do wish I had the time and ability to make more.

Option 1: Develop an interactive game for Android, PC and MAC.
We won't go to big to start, I'll still make the animations with Flash so you can all enjoy segments in .swf format. I'll find a programmer to build so you can have interactivity and play on your computers and android touchscreen as well.
One Idea I passed around was a Masseuse game where you unlock masturbation and sex. Remember! If Option 1 wins you're more than welcome to suggest other ideas for games.
some sketch ideas:

Option 2: Add a sex scene to HalloweEnGIRL.
We can share ideas of whatever next scene you want: Tentacles, Guy turns into a werewolf, I can swap the male character with a Girl (futa/strap-on), EGirl is pulled into the house (roomates, tentacle couch), EGirl is pulled into the garden (costume gangbang, tentacle tree) It's completely up to you all to share your ideas.

Note: This doesn't mean one or the other will be cancelled, it just means what to discuss to build next.
and yes there will be a Futa option for either direction, also don't feel you need to rush to come up with ideas or vote right now. Aika and I are busy with a lot to do for Kaijuicy first :D

Thanks again! Your input means a lot to me, not just financial support (which is amazing) but also because overall there's a lot for me to consider and it's hard to say yes and no to somethings. You all make me feel a lot more assured.  





id like both but you have to go with one haha


Hi William! It's always a pleasure to hear from you haha, yeah believe me, I'd like both too. Well actually, I had to edit the post just now, I don't mean one cancels the other, it's just what to focus on next. I mean, regardless at some point we do need to build a game that isn't Flash and can be played on Android, also HalloweEnGIRL isn't complete without a follow up sex scene.


Just to remember, one doesn't cancel the other, this is just to figure out what to focus on next.


id love to see an ahegao and heart eyes on the hallowengirl as well


Lets rub down some pretty babes! ;D


How are you finding conversion from .swf to .apk?


I voted for Halloweengirl but, your idea for an interactive game "Masseuse" is really really interesting =)


Yeah! I'd love that too, even if HalloweEnGIRL goes next we do need to build a touch screen game and I think massage + sex is a great theme for that :D


I'm not, it's a matter of making animation in Flash and using that animation for another build by rendering it frame by frame, but also having the flash animation


Thank you! yeah, I figured a build for PC, MAC and Android means touch screen, and touch screen would work with the theme of massage + sex :D


I Think you should definitely finish your work on Halloweengirl first like with BTS. I’ve known other creators get burned out due to trying to take on too many major projects at once and I don’t want that to happen with you guys. You always do amazing work and that is because you focus on trying to perfect your works and shouldn’t change that at all.


Marquis! YES, I agree and based on the voting right now it looks like we're going in that direction. I really appreciate the compliments, thank you! It's really motivating for you to say that. :D


As long as there is great futa options im going to love whatever you make. Keep up the good work!!!!! btw tentacles or another futa sound great in my opinion


I don't want you guy's to get burnt out... Keep up the amazing work!


OH, tsk, thank you!! Saying that goes a long way. I really do try my best, I can't wait to show you the current work. the two angles of Paizuri (tit-fuck) that BabeZilla is doing to BChan, I'm rather happy with how their faces look.


Burnt out! never! haha! But taking on to much that the work starts to suffer, yeah, that's a possibility all artists have to be aware of and avoid. So that's why I'm always happy to get you guys voting, it helps decide on what to focus on, one thing at a time. :D


good job. futa with tentacles sounds bright. possibility to turn on 1 - 2 - X tentacles: P