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Hi everyone! I really hope you’re having a great Halloween!  

Thing’s have been really busy here. ExDee, Aika and I have been working hard as a team to put this work out by Halloween. We really hope you like the concept and what we’ve been able to put together, I know this game has taken away from our regular work with our other games, but I really felt that making “Bangin’ Talent Show’” was important for our future as artists. We have ExDee and Aika who are animators, not game devs and so it was important to make good use of their skills, hence the dance animations. While working with them on the animations I was able to teach them a little bit of how we make the interactions in our works.

On some new developments as a team, we’ve been able to get an office space together! We originally where working together online, sending each other files. However I realized that the back and fourth would take too long, correcting work, twerking things, general communication, was just taking too long. We would never have been able to release BTS for Halloween unless we shared the same space, and of course we have you to thank for that, your support has really helped us grow as a team and we are looking forward to what more we can create together.

Right now Ex and Aika are working on the next two “sluttier” dance moves and new sex scenes as well. In version 1; when you jump on stage, the sex scene will depend on her dance move at the time.  

I’m contemplating whether all the sex scene’s should be pov or not, I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments.

On a side note, Coffeebee on discord will be asking for suggestions and ideas for her avatar. I’m really happy with her involvement and her interactions. She asked for a temporary channel for her to chat about avatar ideas, so I’ll be doing that.

Thank you everyone for your support this month, thank you for helping us get an office and grow as a team. I really hope that you have a great time this Halloween, I know everyone likes to celebrate it differently, weather you like to go out, party, chill at home or watch spooky movies, I really hope you have a wonderful time.

I’ll catch you soon,





Wow this was so cute! Loved watching her dance on the stage, even more when I could give her a cock! Will there be an option to have her be defaulted as futa, or will we always have to make her grow her cock? I really enjoyed the sex animation so far, wish I could've made her jizz all over herself, but since it's a beta I understand the lack of it. The facial expressions are top notch, ahe gao and heart eyes were great touches and I can't wait to see more! For future sex animations, I enjoyed the POV but maybe a few where she's being pounded in front of the audience would be nice too, like a full-nelson or something ;D


Oh! I'm really gald you like it so far. I'll be honest with you, Ex and Aika made there dance moves frame by frame and drew the pants and black panties frame by frame as well, so there are 30 frame each I would have to figure out with her dancing with futa and panties on, NOW I could make her genits pop out once you strip her so she's kinda always futa, I'll do my best to remember to put that early option in later in v1. FULL NELSON, great idea! works for both fem and futa and doesn't feel disconnected from that jump on stage transition. Thank you so much for that idea :D


Thanks for the reply and always making great content! And her cock popping out of her panties sounds great, even better if you could include the bulge, but it's understandable how much work that would be so I don't mind the easier route ;D Also if you do the full-nelson would it be possible to make it so the rougher pounding/creampie has their balls colliding? That's always one of my favorites ;D


Re: the POV question I'm afraid I don't spend much time on the Discord. Have you guys reached a decision about it yet? Personally, I don't see the difference between strictly-pov scenes (i.e. camera is at eye position of the second actor) and scenes where you can see both people in the scene, but the second actor is kept faceless by whatever method (invisible, face offscreen, etc.)


No worries on the discord, it's an open discussion. Personally I think pov if it where doggystyle is very important, the image of that hour glass figure from behind can really trigger more primal urges. However for other sex positions, yeah, like in the above suggestion for a “full-nelson” that would work best with a faceless counterpart, view from the crowd. In that scenario it might be funny to have a cut from jumping on stage to the crowds faces looking up with comical big eyes and then cut back to the view of Shantae in that very compromising position.


Oh yes, I always start with fem and then add the option for futa. Always always, you remember Will, you've been here practically since the beginning :D Sometimes if the new work takes a little while, I want everyone here to be happy so I make it anal, and that way both can have fem and futa. But I’ll be adding in vag option along with girl cumming.


Really fun animation :D


It's super cute and I love the dance almost as much, if not more than the lewd parts lol. Just a small criticism: the frames seem to drop on certain dances. Idk if those dances are just choppy compared to others or if its just me. But i'm loving the fluidity in the animation. It's almost Minus8 Tier!


I haven't played it yet since I'm waiting for a full release but I am very glad you guys are a proper team now. It's fully official when you work in an office together. Team Creambee is finally a sexy company now XD. As always, I'm wishing you the very best!


Any chance i can get these on my phone


If you have an android download an app called Flash Game Player NEW its icon looks like a console controller. It can play flash games if they are .swf files and doesnt take up too much memory data just download the file to phone and the app will play it


I downloaded but it just keeps on stopping


Good eye! Yes, 2 dances are 15fps and the 2 similar are 30 fps. Ex and Aika did an oppsie, but they will be adding the extra frames in the next update. I've been inspired by minus8 long before I started patreon, thank you for the compliment.


I absolutely agree the office makes a big difference. And of course, thank you immensely 9TK for your support and best wishes. :D


I'm really sorry guys (android users) you'll have to stick to your desk/lap tops + flash players for now. This is however one of the first games that we are planning to have developed for android/phone games since it's more animation driven.


Any idea when the next update on Sunshine Gals and a full version of this game will becoming out?