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Hi! Thank you so much for checking up on the work here at Creambee. We’ve been super busy animating and getting things ready for Shantae Halloween and Kaijuicy. 

I would like to thank you very much for your support and I hope you’re having a great month so far. It’s October and Halloween is on the way. As some might have noticed, the only holiday I have consistently made work especially for is Halloween. I love Halloween and at the same time Shantae 5 is being released near the end of this year, so Aika, ExDee and I thought we should really do something fun for all of you. I know we have a lot on our plate to make, and since things are running well, I just feel that this is all something we can’t pass up this month.

We are aiming to release 5-6 dance animations by Halloween or sooner, with nude and futa options. Followed by sex animations. The game play will be simple; you’re in the audience watching and whenever you feel like it, just jump on stage and have sex w Shantae. Depending on the dance she is doing it’ll determine the sex position. 

Here are some samples of our work so far

My animation progress:

Aika’s animation progress:

ExDee’s animation progress:

please note, each dance move will have futanari options available.

Kaijuciy is coming along well, but right now it’s all script so I can’t show much here,

However ExDee was able to get started on his sex scene as well

ExDee is working hard on both his Shantae animations and Kaijuicy animations right now and catching up.


For those who have checked the discord recently we have someone new on board, Our buddy CoffeeBee. Well she isn’t that new, she’s been with me since the beginning, part-time helping with research and brain storming, she found the dancer and choreographed the moves for Shantae. She has a lovely personality and thought it would be nice to have someone on discord to answer questions, interact with, etc. I personally think it’s a great idea, not just for now but also for the future because you never know how we could grow and what we could additionally provide. It would be great to have CoffeeBee help me keep up communication with you and what you like and want more of.  

Aika will be making her an avatar asap and if you like, say hi to her on the discord she’ll be happy to see your comment. 

I feel in my heart I must address something, “Am I taking on too many projects?” It hasn’t been easy figuring out the best way for Ex, Aika and I to work together. I originally planned to work fully on Kaijuicy while Ex and Aika did all the animations for Shantae. However, the end of September came and Ex was behind in animations for Kaijuicy. I realized we had gotten carried away during our planning. 

We had a serious meeting at the beginning of this month and came up with two solutions. Originally the problem was with not knowing how fast they could complete content and at what quality or look. If we were working closer as a team, we would be able to share our work with each other more, advise each other more, fix or tweak things before they turn out to be larger problems and also get a better understanding of our turnout capability. Another issue is, I didn’t realize that both Ex and Aika live with their families and that was getting distracting for them. So our two solutions being: one we are going to get an office, to give us a place to focus and work together better. Two, we are going to work on each project together closer, like we are now with Shantae.

I understand that starting off as a team you’re going to hit some bumps on the road, but you figure things out as you go and become better organized from it. However, I never want you guys as supporters to feel disappointed or worried. I love what I do and I’m always asking myself the questions “What am I doing right?” and “What do I need to fix?”   

I’m really thankful for all of you, you are great supporters and I can’t ask for more. I’m happy with how things are looking for Shantae, based on the animations so far it looks really promising. The scripting for Kaijuicy is coming a long well and I’m glad we have that game to look forward to as well. Again, thank you so much and I’ll be seeing you in the comments.


ps. I have not forgotten about the other works, I have been planning the other games and updates as well, and Aika, ExDee and I will be having more involved meetings on how we can all work together on each step.



Yessssss can't wait to have fun with Shantae! As always thanks for giving us a progress report CB! ;D


Haillo thank you, I'm always thrilled to get such a positive message :D I really hope you like the addition of dancing animations, I just haven't seen enough of that good stuff.


Man yall take yall time you all are doing awesome work and it will all be woth the wait for us. 👍


thank you Marc! I really appreciate that and I'll tell Aika and Ex what you posted. We won't overwork to exhaustion but we sure are motivated ;)


Awesome news, keep up the good work =)


Thank you very much Gian! I'm glad you like the work so far. We definitely intend to keep it up ;)


was a patreon a long while ago when you first came out with titans train, but i'm back and glad to see your doing well. your projects are looking very good and i'm happy to be back supporting you again.


I can't wait more CB !!!!!🤩 Thank to think at yours fans !!!!


HI Jaret! it's great to have you back on, thank you for the support and I'm really glad you're happy with the progress. Yeah haha, I remember Titan Train, Raven won by just a couple votes and beat out Shantae, so I promised I'd make something for Shantae and here we are.


Aw man, I'm always thinking about my supports, I couldn't be doing this without all your support. Thank you to for staying on and supporting us.


How’s the progress going with Sunshine Gals? I remember there’s still different boobs sizes and anal X-ray coming up.


Hi 9TK! yeah, it's ok, but Halloween every year tends to take our focus away for a bit. However in the mean time I decided that it would be more important to have a sex scene for Halloween, so instead of our first release being just sexy dances, we'll have 3 dances and 1 sex scene to start. I'll make it anal to start with so you can still have the futa option sex with Shantae and I'll do my best to make time for x-ray option from the begging.