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This is the voting poll for the new girl that will be in my next new Flash endeavour. Taken from your past suggestions and ideas. The game idea I discussed is linked here 

Pokemon Trainers (adult)

Pokemon Go Trainer 








Dragon Ball 

Android 18 




Hi everyone! I've decided that this new game will not limit itself to just one theme/franchise and any girl can be added in the future. 

Please note that the style I will be using to draw will be like the past games "Titan Train" and "Zelda's Afterparty", these images I posted are just here so you can recognize the character, their names also are linked to a image hosting site to see more of them.

How did I select these 10 characters? I went over all of your suggestions and made a tally. I counted each suggestion as 1 point, and every time a game was mentioned under the context of "any girl in that game" I gave all the mentioned girls from that game an extra 1 point. To use as a tie breaker I looked up how many images the tied girls had on rule34xxx and chose the most popular ones.
here is the tally:


While you are voting I'll be tweaking Princess Pipe Trapped as much as I can :D
Thank you all so much for your support and interest, I'll admit I'm really looking forward to taking what I have learned from my past experience with PPT and will be making this one with a more efficient structure while also trying new things like making it possible to rub her whole body, like applying lotion :D



Totally didnt' pick 18 and totally didn't have a crush on her as an young lad


Neither did I and I certainly didn't make early shitty pencil hentai drawings of her either.


Hard choice between Misty and Go!Trainer


I really hope you’ll have different futa sizes for this project, like Teen Titans Train and Princess Pipe Trapped


Hey, you got it, but I will start with one first, and then add another size in a soon after update. But since you brought it up what would you think the "normal" size futa option should be? could you tell me the length in comparison to the girls body, like up to her belly button? between her belly button and chest?


yeah, but I promise the end result will be equally sexy, the difference will mostly be hair, style of clothing, skin tone and voice.


One day I hope to see you make a flash with 2B ;D


RIP Hilda, best pokegirl by far.


I’m surprised that Cynthia wasn’t suggested. She’s always been my favorite character from Pokemon... maybe I’m just weird.


Android 18 is literally best girl. In every case. I hope if she doesn't get in now, she will later.


might have missed it when reading, but how many votes are allowed?


18 would be perfect


you can vote for every character you like once, this helps me see how popular other characters are despite them not winning. You can also change your vote/votes anytime


Not touching Pokémon Go Trainer because she’s way too generic. I know most of her votes are probably just people who vote anything Pokémon, but the Go Trainers might as well just be random no names. If it wasn’t for their clothing they wouldn’t even really be recognizable.


Hi Elijah, I understand where you're coming from, pokemon Go trainer without playing a role in any show looses character, she also is in 3D and isn't originally expressed like the other more cheerful 2D characters of pokemon, they clearly have so much more personality. I'm assuming that the designers created her to be more relatable to everyone so that Go players could envision her as themselves. But I promise if she wins, her being more of a blank slate will allow me to give her character, it frees me up to add personality in her reactions, looks and even frees me to give her any sexy voice I like. Because she was requested enough times she got a space on the poll but the reason why I gave Pokemon four slots and not three is because of the same reason you are stating. So I decided if I put 3 main characters then it gives more people the option to choose their favorite protagonist, and right now I see she has 22 more votes than Misty, so I do wonder maybe artist's like Zheng and other rule34 have given her more of a personality that other people here are voting for. Sorry for the long reply, I'm just genuinely curious on the topic.

Reed Varatis

more May is always nice.


I've always had a crush on May, so anything porn with her is a bonus X3


When are we going to see buttplug and vibrator and other toy option? Keep up the good work!

Reed Varatis

May is best girl. let's just clarify that.

Jamie Claxton

I am stuck between ALL the DragonBall choices and Misty