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Finally, the Liara giantess project, which has been in and out of production for too long, has a proper name!

In addition of being a sequel to the short Liara-growth animation that was released back in 2017, Purple Mass will start with a complete re-imagining of that original scene with improved visuals and actual voice-actors.

Having actual VA's on board allows for a much improved creative freedom, which means the script is getting entirely reworked from the one that was written for the original sequel. This means that the few WIP-clips I have posted of the project don't represent the final product anymore.

After finally getting AI-Curious Episode 2 done, I can fully focus on this project at least to the point where I can do a public release of some sort. Similar to AI-Curious, the finished product will consist of several parts that are released as they get done, after which they will be put together as one big video.

First order of business is to finish the script for part one along with trying to replace the now 10 year old map of Shepard's cabin, which is really starting to show it's age. I will release updates on the development as it goes along.

A lot of you folks have been waiting for this project for way too long and I deeply apologize for that. On the bright side, I'd like to think that with the extra time spent on refining my craft, we will end up with a product way superior to what I had in works previously.

Thank you all so much for your support and seemingly infinite patience!

Stay safe! -BJ




Ooh pls give her a MASSIVE DONG!! So big that it can touch her forehead


so this version is remake the old one or just continue the next story? And when will we are able to see the wip 1? :D


It's both remake of the old one and continuation! I'll try to get a WIP-clip out around the end of this month or the beginning of next.