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Hey folks! 

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and well. I apologize for the recent lack of streams. That is due to a couple of reasons.

I've been building the dialogue and moans together from all the audio provided by the wonderful VA's. This is the first time I'm dealing with four characters in one scene where each have quite a lot to say and express, so it's taking a bit more time than usual. I'm almost done with this task.

I also took some time off to gather my thoughts for the opener of episode 2. That is still something I have to do before the episode is complete. I want to use it as an opportunity to include more screen-time for Shepard and Liara, as their friendship with Tali and EDI will eventually become a more important part of the story.

Thinking about all these things remind me of the fact that I get to do this simply because you people keep supporting me. You allow me to work on this passion project.

I can never thank you people enough, but I may as well start with this one.

Thank you! -BJ


big one

Always nice to see Your beautiful work ,i was just wondering that project You were doing Special Delivery Is that going to be cncontinuance of that story


Take your time, Beej. Make it to the good standard you often do. :)

Angelo B.

Breath in and breath out. Nothing bad happened. That's because you have a good supportive crew here.


I mean, when your work is such good quality, you really earn that benefit of trust from your community. Like, everyone here - who has followed you for any length of time - knows that when you put something out, it will be an absolute banger. That in mind, ain’t no reason to worry. As long as you’re ok and in a good mental space, whenever you do get things done, it will be worth the wait.


In full agreement with Turboman.


You beautiful people. Thank you all so much for your kind words!


Possibly, although I got many projects cooking at the moment. We'll see in the future.


We are waiting for high-quality sound, it's great, we are looking forward to the episode)

Steven Graham

I'm just in awe of the effort you put into the project. Four VA's, sound, animation, researching new software, plot development and everything else that goes into each episode. All we can do is support you when we can and cheer you on when things seem tough. We can always watch previous works while we wait. We are many voices but we all share the same love for our favourite alternative ME universe.

Dobbins McGarnagle

What's the status of the Liara giantess project?