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Hey folks! Figured it was time for a status update.

Firstly I want to thank everyone for their positive feedback and support for the latest AI-Curious part! It is truly a dream to be able to tell this story with my favorite Mass Effect characters.

The past few weeks I've been taking it a bit easier. By the end of last year, with the pressure of releasing the animation in time combined with the stress of holidays, I honestly felt like in need of some serious rest.

Yesterday I got my third shot of the 'rona vaccine, and that put me right back to bed, so I'm still taking a few days off. Once I have recovered from that however, I will continue working on the Liara growth project to the end of February, providing a WIP clip then.

Then I will work on part three of AI-Curious episode 2, completing the episode. After that I will not work on another project until the remake of Liara growth part one is complete.

The current plan for AI-Curious is to have at least four, maybe even five episodes for chapter 1. So after episode two, there is at least two more episodes to go. I do not intend to finish on the first chapter though. There are many more adventures for Tali, EDI, Shepard and Liara to get into. 

Even if the episodes so far have been mostly about Tali and EDI, the name of the series does not necessarily mean we will stay only with our favorite AI/quarian couple in all the future episodes. Shepard and Liara are part of the story as well and their roles in it will eventually become more clear.

Lastly I want to offer another set of thank you's to all my friends and fans on Twitter, Newgrounds and especially Patreon. I don't take your support for granted and I will never want to. I feel extremely lucky to have this amount of support after all these years.

You people are awesome. Stay safe out there!



alexis d

See ya soon and take ur time ^^


Thanks for the update! Please don’t feel rushed or pressured. I’m proud to be one of your supporters here!


Glad to hear Liara growth will get some high priority after part 3 as well. Without wishing to complain, that has been in kind of development hell for a while. :)


You are amazing. And loved.


<p style="color: #008600;">Well then, gain strength and get back to work! I like your current AI-Curious plan and I'm glad you're not going to finish the first chapter yet!</p>


Not only is your animation incredible, but the voice acting for AI-Curious is phenomenal.

Hans Peter Bak

Like Spaceman I'm proud to be one of your supporters. Just take your time. We know it's worth it.

Dolphin Lover

I want special delivery to continue