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I want to start this post by thanking all of you once again for your continuing support! 

And it's not limited to just Patreon. AI-Curious Episode One is currently the highest rated project in my Newgrounds-page! The amount of positive feedback still amazes me and it helps a lot knowing I'm doing something right.

Now, this update post was really meant to happen a week or two earlier, but I simply didn't have the energy to unpack all the words in my mind. More later, firstly to business in hand.

For the next two months, I will be working on the giantess Liara project. We have now agreed with the commissioner to use the same voice actresses as you have probably heard in AI-Curious by now. Currently we are rewriting the script while working with the animated footage I have done so far.

In addition, I will be remaking the old part one of Liara's growth entirely and integrating it to part two as one big video. It will be done properly with dialogue performed by the voice actresses, longer overall runtime and better growth animation. It has now been 4 years since the original part and it's time to update it to my current standards.

Now for a topic that surely has been part of a lot of people's lives this and last year.

Lately I have been feeling a bit down, grumpy and just overall exhausted. Honestly I am not sure why, but it has been going on for about a week now. Maybe the pandemic causing a lack of proper social interaction is finally starting to get to me or I simply didn't take a proper rest after finishing my previous project. Whatever it is, I will eventually get over it and get properly back on my feet.

In the meantime, I'm just gonna take it a bit slower this week. Try to focus on setting my mind straight and get some inspiration while also gathering some thoughts for the project. If it goes well, I might stream a bit during this week as well, most likely on Saturday.

Lastly, since we are living in such unusual times, there's something I want to say.

I want to remind everyone reading this: Take proper care of not just the people around you, but yourself as well. Pay attention to your own well-being. You are not a doormat to anyone's negative feelings. You are just as important as anyone else. 

If you have someone you care about that are feeling down, I encourage to remind them that they are not alone in this situation, and if you are able, be there for them. Sometimes just chatting with a friend can be all it takes to make someone's day better.

As for strangers, be respectful. Know that they are most likely going through the same kind of shit you are, if not worse. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Take care! -BJ



This is fantastic!! Cant wait...its been a while since we've seen Liara's great massive dong haha xD


Thank you for the warm words, and much love to you Mr.BJ.

Hans Peter Bak

It's strange that you say that BJ on top of the video I saw yesterday. Have you heard of Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell? It's a science channel that digs deep in science and stuff that is almost never talked about. Yesterday I saw a video titled: Loneliness. It's VERY good. Social interaction is very important and lack thereof can make you very sick. A lot of us lack social interaction because of the pandemic and it's very hard. The video I have linked below sheds some light over - a fraction - of what we all live in now. Maybe some of all of you can see yourself in this. Maybe not. But it's very important that we are nice and listen to each other no matter where in the world we are. And of course all the things you said BJ. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Xv_g3g-mA&t=606s


As a Thank you for your creativity, take care of your health, and I hope someday we will see the second part of the special delivery)))))))))


Fantastic news!! Take care of yourself BJ!




Take care of your health, your health should always be a priority in your life ❤️


The revamped version of part one sounds lit.


Take your time. Although I would love to see what's next for the enormously big Liara, I can wait a little longer. Regardless, it will be amazing and worth the time.

alexis d

Take care BJ :) See you when you post something :D


Take care and best wishes!

Lilith Lovelight

We all love you BJ! Take some time to celebrate all your hard work <3


The wait will be worth it :D