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First of all, thank you all so much for your kind words regarding my latest animation! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I've now had a few days to make plans for the rest of this year and I'd like to share these plans with you here now.

I'm going to be moving from my current apartment to a new one very soon. This means I'll take a small break now for the next two weeks or so and focus on the move.

After that, around the beginning of next month, I'm going to start working on part three to the latest Tali/EDI animation! The commissioner of the giant Liara project was luckily understanding in wanting me to finish this trilogy ASAP! 

Then I'll dedicate the rest of the year to produce a big WIP video of the giant Liara project for Christmas! 

What comes next year? Well, besides finishing that project, let's just say I've written a whole lot of ideas down that will need someone to make them come true!

So for now, stay safe and stay healthy!

Take care! -BJ


Tyler Petty

You too man enjoy your break and happy moveing


Best luck with the move! Take care!


Best of luck ❤️


You know, I can often hear that many people already have huge plans for the next year ... Apparently this year did not bring many good luck due to the pandemic. Yet we also hope more for next year ... and your plans are impressive.

alexis d

take care too :D see you !


You did an absolutely incredible job on Tali/ EDI Part II. Holy bouncing lady balls, you & Nyl are flippin' ridiculous with your overflowing proportions of talent. As I am currently in the final process of moving to a new apartment today, I wish you the best of luck & an exceedingly smooth relocation.

