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Now we practice lewdmaking!

First of all, a huge thank you to all you wonderful people. The reception of Special Delivery was more than I ever could've imagined. I'm so glad that you've enjoyed it. Now I'll make sure you'll enjoy some more!

This meaning it's time to carry on with some of my commissions from few years back, that were postponed due to the movie. The next one in line is a highly asked sequel to the Liara growth animation! I'm already planning it with the commissioner and estimate on the runtime is around 6-8 minutes ( won't escalate into a 30 minute movie this time I swear! ).

Now I still have the civilian service going on and it won't end until around the end of this year. This means I still don't have as much time to work on these things as I'd like, meaning it would be some time again before I'd publish an animation again. So I came up with an experiment I'd like to run by you guys.

I would spend the time I have at home every weekday to work on the commissions ( with tuesday evening streams as usual! ), but every weekend I would work on a quick animation involving the life after Special Delivery ( Zoey, EDI and maybe some others having good time with each other ) . I would then attempt to release these every 2-4 weeks depending on the situation in my personal life. This would mean you'd get an animation from me around one or two times per month!

I'm not 100% sure how it'll work out, but that's the thought I have now. Let me know what you think!

See you soon! -BJ



Hell yess I was hoping for a sequel to that! Gunna be awesome


Amazing work.


A quick animation means how many minutes?

alexis d

I think that this idea is a good one :) As long as you love it !

Crew Glove

Do what you think is best. Just, please, don't vanish into ether.


omg, I almost forgot about that one but, holy shit, that is gonna be fuckin' awesome


Very glad to hear Liara will be back soon


Woo, more purple stuph Liara! Also, I like that idea


They would most likely be loops or short clips. Somewhere around 8-20 seconds maybe? Depends on the complexity of the animation really.

Robert B.

Sounds great. An animation sequel would be great but short animations are the next best thing. I say go for it and thank you very much. Plus anything you put out in between is an added bonus that just makes it all the better, just don't over extend yourself. Thanks for the art.

Patric DeJulia

Sweet! I always wanted to know what was going to happen with liara being huge, and fem shepherd! 😀


Don't force yourself and risk burnout - but otherwise sounds like a fun series of ideas ( ' - ')b

Frank Celestino

Definitely looking forward to a follow up with the liara growth commission


I'm all in with these ideas. ( ' - ' )b


This is fantastic news :)


You've got to adjust your patreon tiers - releasing your finished products for free is killing your contributor base.


Yes I can't wait for a sequel to that!


Would like to see EDI taking control longer and her tentacle mode.


sii please continue I love it, especially the part where EDI gets aggressive in red, and I would like to see it in its tentacle mode


Would love to see tentacle mode and aggressive as well as both edi and partner

big one

would like to see the EDI get fucked, by the new girl who comes at the end of the movie, i all so would like it to bi a long and deep fucking and then EDI also fuck the new girl offcors that w bi soooooo nice


It'd be nice to see more short animations and pictures in the future really like your work


Are we still going to get wip updates for those of us who are unable to catch your streams?


Sounds like a good plan - thx for sharing with us. I have not seen any sequels/updates regarding "Special Delivery" ... or have I simply overlooked them?

Dolphin Lover

Damn I wanted another long one

Dolphin Lover

Will there be one of tentacles