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Hey folks, just wanted to let you know the animation is still on the way!

There are still a couple small things left to do animation wise before the final render. Also my good friend Alexia, who lends her talented voice to EDI, is doing the sound design for the animation and has had some difficulties on her end.

At this point the last thing I want to do is to rush the process. With a bit of extra time, the final product should look great and sound even better. I hope you guys are going to love it!

Once this is done, it's time to go back to Purple Mass!

Take care! -BJ



Is any possible to predict a date will release? we have been wait...SOOOOOOOOOOO long


I can only guarantee it's going to be finished this month. Don't worry, it's coming!


That's a big news! Since there is no any trailer video, it's hard to believe the whole video is finished! I hope I didn't in the dream


What about purple mass? Any rough estimate on when the release will be?


wait...hold a second, this video is not about Liara and sheppard? OH NO!!!!!!!!!