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I wanted to give you guys an overview of what my plans are for the near future. I'll try to make this as brief as possible!

First off, I don't plan on doing anything on a weekly schedule anytime soon. Whenever I do weekly stuff, it ends up feeling like the only thing I have time for, and as soon as I finish a given week's thing, I immediately feel like I'm on the clock again for next week's thing. It also doesn't leave me much time to experiment and try new things, and what I put out ends up feeling way too samey. So... scheduled things will be more along the lines of monthly, and smaller things will be a bit more sporadic rather than weekly!

For the sated ($5) tier I want some kind of main game project to be working on. As for what exactly that would be... I haven't decided yet! I've thought about it a lot, but I have to think about it some more. I'm sorry for not having anything concrete to say about this yet, but I want to experiment and figure out what I really want to work on rather than just jumping into it too quickly and then losing interest. I might put out smaller game stuff as I figure stuff out, and I'll be sure to keep you posted on what I'm working on. In the mean time, I will keep posting drawings/animations/whatever like the ones I've recently posted every now and then. Not on a strict weekly schedule anymore, but at the very least once per month (and very likely more than that)!

For the stuffed ($10) tier, sketch posts will continue (one with some unused Avril stuff will be posted soon!), though no longer on a specific schedule. On top of that, I want to start making some more looser game stuff for the stuffed tier. What I have in mind is something along the lines of what I used to make for lachevite theater, but way more sketchier, and likely somewhat wilder (?). Basically small interactive stuff with sloppier art, and stupid/indulgent stories... in other words, some dumb fun stuff for lachevite super fans!! I would like to do this on a monthly schedule, though I want to wait and see how I feel after finishing the first installment before giving the final word on that. I'll do my best to get it up and running soon!

That's all I have to say for now! Sorry if some of it's a bit vague, I want to give everything some proper thought before saying anything specific. One thing's for sure though: there will be women who are large! You have my word!!




Find what's comfortable for you I'm p sure most of us will be here regardless of what form it takes