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Thank you for your kind words regarding the game. I assume you can now see why I was a bit nervous about it... it's a bit different from the other games I've made! 

I am generally happy enough with how the game turned out, though there are certain things I wish I had changed/done better:

-I definitely should've made something happen if you bothered to feed every single imp as much as you can. I'm kind of surprised that I didn't, I know it crossed my mind but I just never got around to it. Sorry to those who wasted their time trying that.

-I wish I did a bit more with the secrets, rather than them just kind of being there. They were added very late into development, and at that point I couldn't really justify spending more time on that sort of stuff. On top of that, I didn't really expect many people to even see them considering they mostly require a second playthrough, but you were pretty numerous to bring them up... I guess I'll keep the interest in mind for future stuff (?)

-I'm not super happy with the idle part in general, and kind of wish I had gone with another game type entirely. My biggest fear was that it would be too boring, but I also didn't want to make it go by too quickly, as you needed to be in a "real game" for at least a while for the story's sake. I also ran into the issue of not wanting the player's attention to have to be split between Avril talking and an enemy's defeated sprite/the new enemy coming in. The band-aid solution I came up with for this was to, rather conspicuously, make Avril deal way less damage when she was talking, making it practically impossible(?) to defeat an enemy while a cutscene was active. I'm sure it's pretty annoying during subsequent playthroughs, sorry for that. I probably could've come up with something better, or at least dressed it up in some way (making the enemies that cutscenes trigger on "boss" enemies or something), or of course just done some other type of game entirely, but everything was already pretty much done by the time I started thinking about all this.

Another thing I was kinda worried about was whether or not there was enough fetish stuff in the game. It's definitely still there obviously, but not quite as much as my other games, which are all way more straightforward fatso games. But I haven't seen a single complaint about that so far, so... I'll take that as a sign that you won't all run away if some of the things I make are a bit lighter in the fatso department...?

This is the most "me" thing I've ever made, and I want to make more things like it. But making stuff takes time! A lot of time! This game took over half a year of on and off work, and as I strive to make future stuff bigger and better, development times will certainly increase. So... please be patient!!

In between bigger releases like this, I of course intend to put out smaller stuff for you guys as well. I'll go into more concrete plans for the future in my next post! For now, thank you again for your kind comments, and thank you so much for supporting me and making games like this possible!!



Based Andrew

Honestly I’d love to see more of the dog from the postgame mini game and startscreen gags She’s a cutie

Dexter Blount

I swear this song keeps reminding me of you.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBT6VE5O6zs


The game was very well done, and the addition of small secrets here and there was a neat addition too. Keep doing what you're doing ^^ I'm sure if you're ever stuck on ideas for gameplay or concepts, the Patrons will have something to share


It's a great game! I really appreciate the bestiary and all the features that let us just enjoy the art. As long as features like that exist I think everyone will be happy.