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This is NOT the project I've been talking about, but something else entirely. As I previously mentioned, I've been having trouble getting back on my feet after missing a deadline I had for myself, so a couple days ago I decided to just throw something together to clear my head a bit.

Though it's just a tiny prototype, I ended up having a lot of fun with it, and I want to keep working on it. It also made me wonder if you guys would enjoy seeing weekly updates to a game like this in place of the drawing/animation posts. I'm not saying those types of posts would stop entirely, but I feel like most people are here for games, and funneling the time/effort spent on weekly posts into a game that slowly evolves over time seems like it would be fun.

So, please let me know if you like this idea, and what you think of the game so far. There obviously isn't much there, and I unfortunately didn't have time to fix some of the more broken stuff, but I hope it's at least enough to understand the general idea of what I want the game to be. My immediate plans are:

-fix the blatantly broken stuff

-make an actual player character

-make the enemy types more distinct

-add other stuff!

The other game is still very much underway as well, though I am taking my time with it. Doing something else for a while definitely helped me refocus. The new $5 thing will start after it's out, sorry for the delay on that.

I am now very tired of writing essays and I'm sure you're very tired of reading them!! I will now shut up and get back to big tubby plumpers!!!!!!

Thank you for your support!!!




I think making one game and building it up week after week and us getting to see the progress would be a great idea!

Blight Thing

its a neat concept, and being able to see weekly updates would be cool to see if you end up continuing!