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I've been working very hard on something that I wanted to have ready for today (april 1st), but unfortunately after a week of going crazy and losing sleep trying to get it done, it dawned on me that it was just out of my reach.

I know I never mentioned this or promised anything (thankfully) as I wanted it to be a surprise, but since I'm missing the date I'd prefer to just let you guys know that I am working on something and that it's going to be ready very soon (in a week or so). Taking my time a bit more will also let me add things I was starting to cut in an attempt to get it ready in time, so at the very least this will lead to a somewhat more polished/complete product.

The new $5 tier thing I mentioned will start after this is out.

Thank you for your support




Looking forward to seeing it, and glad you're pacing yourself with the goal of putting out something you're happy with 😊