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Here you will find links to patreon-exclusive game projects. An itch.io account is required, and access must be refreshed once per month. Instructions on how to claim access will follow below.

Current projects

Bite-sized snacks



Stuffed sketches ($10+)



Old projects

Lachevite theater




1. Follow the link with "patreon-access" at the end

2. Connect your patreon account (you need to create an itch.io account if you don't have one already)

3. Once you've claimed the game, you will be taken to a page that says there is nothing available to download. This is because it's a browser game! To go to the game, hit the "Game page" button, or just use the game link (the one without "patreon-access" at the end).

You'll have to refresh access once per month, as itch.io unfortunately does not support automatically granting and revoking access through patreon at this time. This means you'll have to repeat these steps after the 1st of every month (or a day or so after the 1st, whenever I get around to resetting everything), but after that you're good to go until the next month!

Known issues

-Some have reported that it takes a couple tries before successfully claiming a game

-Supposedly it only takes your current pledge into account, meaning if you unsubscribe, it might not let you claim access, even if you still have patreon access until the end of the month. To get around this you can either resubscribe, claim access, and then immediately unsubscribe again (you won't get charged if you've already paid for this month), or just wait until the end of the month to unsubscribe.

Feel free to send a message if you encounter any other issue



Mutig Langsam

this is great! thanks!