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The scenes from here on out are going to be interactive games rather than just videos! With that in mind, I've decided to start releasing them every other week. Having to finish something every week is very limiting in terms of what I can do, and I want to be able to make things a bit more lengthy/expansive in order to take advantage of the interactivity. To clarify, the amount of content will stay the same, it'll just be packaged in less frequent (but bigger) point and click type games (which will still be accessed through lachevite gallery).

On weeks where no new scene is released, I might post sketches or something else. I was going to post a preview of the upcoming scene along with this post, but I'm not really happy with what I've drawn so far, and might alter it. I've been hating everything I've been drawing for a while now (moreso than usual), and I'm still trying to find my footing. In the meantime... here's whatever this is!

Thank you for your support!



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