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[Note: I posted this fairly late, so if you see this later, you're not "too late," feel free to ask any question at any time!]

IT'S WEDNESDAY MY DUDES, and it's the day where I have the most content to post (especially when I'm off schedule), so sorry if your notifications keep going off! 

But it's been two weeks since I've done an AMA, and one goal that I have with Patreon is to be able to interact closely with my community since I've gotten too busy to reliably engage on socials.

So if there's anything you want to ask, feel free! Again, it can be about anything - whether you want art tips, insights into my process, opinions about movies/video games/whatever, or literally anything else. 

I make it a goal to reply to EVERYONE on these, but since Patreon's notification system sucks, feel free to ping me with another reply if a long time passes without me replying to your inquiry!



What first brought you to the Fire Emblem community during the pre-jackary art days?

Depression Machine

Did you read the comments I made about your fashion sense on the Zelda Swimsuit post?

Zach H

When I first started getting back into digital art it was a couple years after Awakening had come out, and I was experiencing it later than everyone else. I was enthralled by the gameplay and the story and I started becoming a regular on r/fireemblem. And I just happened to see that people who posted artwork of cute girls got hella upvotes, and I was like, "hey, I could do that!" It also seemed fun because up until that point, I had never really drawn sexy art. So I used FE as sort of an experimentation ground for that kind of art. But in the process, I made various friends in the FE fandom, which eventually lead me to twitter. One thing lead to another and I became "jackary" as we know it lol