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Weekly AMA is back on after being sick last week! If there's anything you want to ask me, go ahead and do so in the comments, and I'll respond to every single one!

You can ask about anything - my art, my art process, life, likes, etc etc.

According to my posting calendar, AMAs are supposed to be on Tuesdays, but I got mixed up this week. Whoops ><


Sothe Dain

What is your favorite character that you're afraid to draw and why?


This question is more of a future reference thing since your queue is quite full, but is it possible to send a commission request through patreon DMs rather than through twitter? I don't have twitter but if I get an opportunity I'd love to commission a piece from you sometime. In addition, what information do you expect from a commissioner when they send in a request pose/outfit reference-wise or anything else besides the characters and a pose idea? On a more general note, do you prefer drawing characters in their original costumes or designing your own outfits for them?

Zach H

hmmmm idk if I can think of any characters I'm afraid to draw! For the most part I care very little about the "discourse" around characters, so if it's audience reception you're referring to, it's not really a factor for me. The biggest exception is probably Saria from Ocarina of Time. It's one of the games closest to my heart and I'd love to draw special art of every important character. But Saria gives me pause, because I don't want people to get the wrong ideas? Since I'm basically a pinup artist who's known for sexy art, a lot of people may see a drawing of Saria and make unfair assumptions, even if the drawing itself is completely innocent. I am 100% not into loli content, but I worry about the assumptions people would make if I drew a picture of her, due to its adjacency to my sexualized portfolio, idk. I've drawn her once as an adult and I made sure to keep it very tame, but even with that one I got comments that I was sexualizing a child.

Zach H

you could message through Patreon! Though Patreon's DM system kind of sucks and I'm often bad at maintaining conversation through there. But if you don't have twitter at all, that's the next best step. You could also email me at jackaryart@gmail.com As for the details, I prefer to just have a chat about it! For me personally, the more autonomy I have over the pose, the better -- but if there's something specific you have in mind I can definitely work with you on it. As for outfits, it depends on the character. As a general rule, I prefer drawing characters in ways you haven't seen them before, since the majority of fan art for any given character is just them in their original outfit. I like mixing things up! For more serious and moody pieces, this might mean imagining them within the bounds of their canon. Like I've always wanted to draw Princess Zelda from OOT. But there are tons of Zelda drawings of her in her dress. And there are plenty of Sheik drawings. But how many drawings are there of Zelda in her Sheik outfit with her mask and headbands off? Looking like herself, but hair unkempt, no makeup, etc... that's a cool drawing! But obviously if I'm just drawing something that's fun and sexy it doesn't have to be as serious, and it's fun just doing stuff like swimsuits, underwear, pajamas, or modern reimaginings, like casual wear, goth girls, etc. I'm least resistant to drawing a character in their OG outfit when it's a character that's pretty obscure. Like, you can draw Zelda or Tifa in anything, and people will recognize them. But if I drew someone like, idk, Joanna Dark in her pajamas, most people would see the drawing and be like, "who?" Whereas she's a lot more recognizable in her Perfect Dark duds even if that game is old news to most people. But those are just my preferences! In commissioned artwork YOUR preferences are the most important so I'm always eager to hear what the commissioner's opinions are! by the way -- my queue is definitely a little more full than I'm comfortable with at the moment, and I'm resistant to adding more to it unless I absolutely need to. But I also DO objectively need to make enough money to pay my mortgage, and sometimes that means adding a piece to my workload. Feel free to message me to discuss! Even if I can't take it right now (or you can't afford it right now) it's nice to know who's interested and what their ideas are, to keep in mind for future opportunities.