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Pokemon had another decisive victory in this week's poll, just barely edging out Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate. Surprisingly, Goth Yuffie dropped quite a bit despite being the late tie winner last week. Try again, Shadowheart, it looks like you're in demand! And Yuffie, well, Rebirth is around the corner, you might have your day yet ;)

Anyway, here's Pokemon Champion Cynthia! I couldn't get very detailed this week, but I hope you'll still enjoy this portrait. 

NSFW version can be found HERE 




I'll try again at the end of the month 👀

PolkuCow (Josef)

This has to be one of my favorite pictures of Cynthia I've seen, and I've seen a lot. The Garchomp tattoo as well is so good. Stickers when?

Travis Hymas

Hell yeah we're running Shadowheart next week baybeeeeee


I am totally loving this sketchy style, Jackary!